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A member registered Apr 26, 2020 · View creator page →

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Yeah, a lot of that is my fault to be honest. I did think that the character movement was too floaty and imprecise, but with how things were going for both of us, there sadly wasn't enough time to fine tweak the movement. When you mention a "highly physics-based game" I want to explain that was the full intention at the beginning of the month. The idea behind design was to open up with standard 2d character movement, have the player beat the first boss (we REALLY did not get that far into design) and have all of the mechanics and abilities focused on controlling inertia during "oil-surfing" areas. I have no disagreements that this game is far from even a demo to convey an idea, but with how things were going in both of our lives, it was very challenging to coordinate and get work done on the project. however, I do plan on continuing this project on my own in my personal engine so that I can do all the fine-tweaking I want, but because of how inefficient my engine is, it may take a while to get anything substantial out of the project. I am really glad that you commented on this project, and I want to say thank you for your suggestions. I guess I have learned to check my calendar before making a month-long commitment. A bit of an obvious thing to know, but we all have blind spots.

Hey Edalbung, turns out "fix the music" translates to "kick the musician off of the team and claim his worthlessness, despite the fact that he has been working on this same game for a year prior." Anyway, expect completely different music going forward, because I will be "disallowed from contributing"

I totally agree with point 2. The thing is, I was going to add more mechanics but I didn't have time to, and in a rushed level design decision I had to put exploits as solutions to puzzles. For that first cave level in particular, while you can't jump with your backpack on, you can still fly through the air after jumping, the key was to jump, and while in the air grab your backpack and get to the next platform. This mechanic was not explained at all and I honestly wish that I hadn't put that level in there, especially considering that the level after that is reputably easier, and the level after that uses the same mechanic but in an easier scenario. If I were to do it again, I would take that level out completely and replace it. The thing with it is that, because of how the timing is, even though I know the solution it was hard for me to do. I honestly regretted that level the second I put it in there.

here is this one