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A member registered May 18, 2019

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ok so came back after played it, i goota say he got some sass ! and i'm a weak human against nicknames, great job here as always. i will keep an eye on it. Thanks you <3

usually i prefer to wait when there more contents buuuuut since it's from the creator of one of my fav' game, i just can't wait ! thanks sonnet009 o7 !

Jenny you're really great to make us fall for your characters T-T7. Great job on the voice actor too <3

Hello there ^^/ ! i just started to play but i really like it for now, thanks for your hard work ! I really like Nooks, and i saw on the wiki there no specific  option for the player to be pregnant with him, i would really like if was possible ^^. Just curious, i know it's not really this kind of game but i would really like if there some tiny little bit of romance :3 ?

But don't take it to seriously it's already a good game !

Have a good day ^^/

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Hello ! I tried the first version of the demo, and i quite liked it ! Your writing style and your characters are good, i found myself immersed. So thank you ^^. I will play the extented demo with pleasure !

Ps love sophie, she's someone i could be friend with irl <3

Well, the secret is to make the dough (not sure if it's the right word...) not too sweet, it need to be light so you can use the garniture (trim in english i think) to make what you whant to eat ^^! When i make them for my friends, generally we have one or two crêpes with a garniture like fried egg with grated cheese on top and ham under or a salty sweet mix like goat cheese with honey, not everybody like it tough. Then ! We go for some sugar flavors ! The best drink to serve with is some cider if you really want to go all x).

If you want my recipe, juste say it ^^! Well...i think i have already written enough about food now... 

Lot of hug and thanks as always to your kind answer <3

Aloha ! I'm glad to have some news ! I didn't respond as often i would like but in the precedents posts, the other would write what i though and in better words ^^. But i want to say, you are strong, you have my admiration. Keep it on ! There always the sun behind the clouds ! On a more positive note, if you were in France, i would cook you some crêpes, you will gain some weight alright x) ! Lot of hug and take care !

Aloners (Redux) community · Created a new topic Finally

Just a little post to thanks sonnet009, i played the free version of Aloners when i was a poor broke ass student x'), it helped me when i wasn't in not so great shape too. So thanks, now i have the means to buy and help to support, so thanks for this new version and the new content ! I will see you re other games Wilder too they re seems great too ^^. Lot of love on you. 

ps sorry if there somes errors, english isn't my native language.

thanks to take your time to respond, it's really nice of you. I will wait to see one of your sketch then :p ! it's really cool to have the opportunity to discuss with the creator of one of your favorite game :). (sorry if my english is awkward some time, it's not my native tongue, i'm french :p).

Later, if you think of create some art book, i will surely be interested to buy it ;).

Thanks to be here too XD * reciprocate hugg*

Hello, thanks to give us some news, you seems to work hard thanks for us x) but take care of you please ! We can wait, your updates give us some courage to x') ! Well, i would love some little sketch or fanart of your characters ^^ ! But, just have some news of you is still cool.

( I plan to play again (and again XD) to your wonderful game : Nusantara Legend of the winged ones while i wait for the next update anyway) 

Love you <3

one of your fan

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Usually i don't try incomplet visual novel, but the story, the art and all of these wonderful comment you have make me want to try. And boy... i really enjoyed it ! I love the fact you can don't have to chose between Omen and Alkar... :3 The other route aren't too similare and it's very interesting to have their 'point de vue' (sorry i don't know how to write it in english). I will wait with impatience for the next chapter. You have done a great job, it will be in my "coup de coeur" !