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Limb Damage Games

A member registered Jul 27, 2022 · View creator page →

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Hey there, the instructions and documentation file that is in the downloads might help, and if that doesn’t, then I would say ask chat gpt or see if any tutorials on YouTube have a fix for the specific error you are getting. Sometimes the issue with .net installs might have something to do with the path variable for .net on your pc. Sorry you are having trouble! 

Glad you like it! I have a lot planned for this project! I am hoping to roll out some updates soon!

No problem!

In the current state it is not possible because it was made using WPF which can only run on windows, however, I am planning on remaking the game eventually in a game engine so that it can be played on any platform. 

This is a cute game, I really enjoyed the art style, nice job on it! 

Thanks so much, I'm glad you enjoyed it! In its current state it has a good bit of spaghetti code and I am planning on remaking the game at some point using Unity, but I have two other games in the works right now, so stay tuned!

Even for such an early version, this is really cool! Gives me a lot of simple planes vibes.

This game is amazing! Nice job on it!

This is pretty polished, nice job!