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Morgan Cnudde

A member registered Jul 16, 2019 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

The jump on the stick is really annoying.
I kept jumping without wanting to and not jumping when I wanted to. A stick isn't
the most precise thing in the world when it comes to input so I'd really recommend
not doing something like this for your next projects. I also didn't realise while playing that dashing could recharge
my weapon. Maybe a more explicite indication at the start would have helped. As a
result I didn't reach the end of the level. 

But the quirkiness of the game aside, I think it's a really nice accomplishment for first year students, with nice graphics and animation. A clear vision of your concept. Multiple ennemies and
boss fights that are well designed and a realistic scope for the time you had for development. 

So yeah, overall I'd say it's a very nice school project. Good job !

(1 edit)

Very nice concept and well executed for a second game. You found a way to repurpose death in a way I haven't seen before which encourages thoughtfull movements through the levels. Minor complaints would be that dying and respawning breaks the flow of gameplay because of the interface and the switch to mouse input. Button prompts to switch dimension and checkpoint would be preferable imo. The multiple checkpoints also served no purpose during my session so I would recommend you to think about level ideas that would require them (multiple objectives for exemple). Anyways, keep up the good work !

(1 edit)

Simple and effective. I thought the game wasn't exactly clear about what was the end goal. Turns out it's just survival but something such as a timer or random events scaled with time would have been welcomed.

Thank you for the comment. I agree with you about the lack of feedback and that's why I'm working on an update at the moment. I already implemented KB&M inputs for exemple but I'm waiting for the end of the rating period :)

It's a very good game! I like the way you have to handle the different types of enemies according to their weaknesses. The art is top notch too.
For the negative : I'm not a big fan of how the "weapon" switch works (I would maybe prefer only one button but it's just me) and I think you're too quickly overwhelmed.
Other than that, great game as I said.

It's a cool and original idea. Short game but pretty well executed.

Well done, it's a good game! I like the idea and the puzzles are well designed. It has the potential to fuel a full game. I think the levels are too big however.

(1 edit)

I got stuck at the end in an angle but it's a pretty nice game. Good job !

I like the idea!  More and better levels would really make for a good puzzle game.

Hi! Thank you for playing our game. After testing with some people, it seems like all Playstation controllers are making a mess with the game. I might try to fix that issue. Keyboard and mouse will be implemented later.
You're the first one with the life count bug so thanks for reporting it.