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A member registered Mar 03, 2020 · View creator page →

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Yeah I totally forgot about this, lol. Don't even remember if I actually beat it or not. Thx anyways

Thanks for replying and the information! Have a great day! And happy new year <)!

I'm glad you liked the invisible maze. That is a mechanic that I think that usually is not well received... But anyways, thanks for your words <3

Glad you liked it :D! As you said, is just a silly test with silly sentences. You should try my other games, specially "The Arcade", they are better than this one XD! Thank you for playing and leaving a comment! <3 <3 <3

I'm glad you liked it :D! You should try my other works, specially "The Arcade"! Thank you for playing and leaving a comment!

PD: Did you found the true ending? ;)

I loved the 3rd level, because I love the Metal Man music level, and that remix was really nice! I'm looking forward for the full game! =)

Ok, thank you. The game is really hard, that's why I questioned you how was the way to save, to play the game safely. Anyways, if you make a new version, you could do a manually save form, that way it could be more easy to play. 

I mean, I questioned how to save because I didn't know if there was a button or something where you could save whenever you wanted or if you only could save when the game let you. (sorry if my english is not that good)

How can I save in the game? Also, I downloaded the 1.5 version. I guess is the most finished version, and the best one too. Correct me if i'm wrong.

Funny! =)


Also I download it another time before just in case.


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I tried the both solutions and nothing happened =(

No, you don't understand. I already have the file called MSVCR110.dll, the thing that I don't have is another file, apparently called MSVCP140.dll. Thanks for the help, anyways ;), I hope you do your best to help me. (sorry if my english is not that good)

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I have a problem on opening it, it says that a file called MSVCP140.dll is missing. And I really want to play your game >__<

Hey, that was an incredible bitsy game!! Well done =)

Sorry if my english is not that good :(

How do you do that? How do you do that in each step a footstep prints on the snow? Also, the final is random depending on where you walk. I have a lot of curiosity about how do you do it. Do you need to know how to programm to do it?

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Please can anyone answer me? I really like to try the hack, but I don't know how to use it. Please, anyone help me.

You're welcome! You did a great work🙌🙌🙌! I raged at some points, because of the controls and the platforms, but I continued anyways. Also, the music was really good! The last thing: I love the dialogue of the mafia, it's really funny😂

I had 97 deaths lol

How can I download the bitsymuse hack. I need to sign up for download it?

This is really beautifull...

The music is really good, this game is reaaally good.

Hola! Está muy bien hecho, me sorprende encontrar un juego de bitsy en español. Buen trabajo, te ha quedado muy bien =) 

Beautiful and really well done.

Very well done!!

You can be "that guy", if you want, but not this guy.

This is a really lovely game, well done =). And, one question: How do you make music on bitsy?

When I start a ghost battle, I think:

"Purification in progress"

Love it!! (3


Amazing! One of the bests bitsy games!!

1 like for no more moths killings =(


Nice idea!! :D