So yeah. This is where I'm at I've got nothing. So what have I been doing? That's about a third of all the anime I've watched so yeah. I posted the script used to make the timeline on github. It turns data from a myanimelist xml export into a json format for some random person's script which creates an svg. Finding a correct conversion to png is surprisingly hard. I also did some java work but stopped when a library wasn't in a maven repo and was to lazy to make gradle deal with it.
My plan for a game was going to be a jrpg maze. There was going to be no distinct markers on the map. You no where you are by what you encounter. Sorry for being lazy. Here. Enjoy my class load this semester:
Computers, Paradigms, People Computational
Tools and Techniques for Data Analysis
Comparative Languages
Cryptography and Data Security
Introduction to the Design of Information Technology Systems
Introduction to Software Engineering