(I feel like I draw better on paper)
Recent community posts
Here's some Fan Art I did! Please read the 'About' section ('Cuz it's like the about button from the game.
The Fan Art is supposed to match the game, so there's some warnings...Just play the game before opening the link...
The Fan Art has things that are not meant for children to see...because it's supposed represent the ga- here's ONE thing I can list about the Fan Art:
This Fan Art has a biiiiiit of religion (Because I'm a religious person and have my own theory on how god was made)
The Link:
Once Again, play the game first and then look at the art!!!
Here's your art, just click here!
Totally Not Off Track A Meme From The Game With Spoilers:
Also this is not part of the meme, it's true. I've been a FAN of this game before I downloaded it and was aware of it being on itch.io!!!