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A member registered Sep 13, 2018 · View creator page →

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you can ads to shoot the rpg straight

thanks, currently busy with other things

currently busy with other things :)

thank you, those ideas sound great

thank you, have a good week too



Thanks, glad you enjoy it!


should be reduced a bit in the next update, thanks for the feedback

oh nice, thank you very much

thanks, appreciate it

Hey, sorry for the late response. This is a known issue especially for low end hardware most likely because I used Unity's HDRP for Version 0.9. Would it be ok if you posted your specs? Should hopefully be fixed in the next update, thanks.

yes please, if you can


happy you enjoy the game. maybe something like a main boss could be added eventually

yeah if you go to the options there is a button called wipe all data

Thanks alot man, really appreciate it! Yeah i'm aware that performance and the vehicle handling aren't the best, although i am wanting to improve upon those things eventually. As for healing you press Left Control (probably command for mac) to cycle between syringe healing and basic healing. Also if you don't mind me asking, what type of Mac do you use? Because for a few people the mac version straight up doesnt work lol. Thanks again.

Hold shift while ads to reduce the sway

yea it’s a known bug

oh, sorry for the late reply but the bipod basically reduces firing recoil only while crouched



could you post your specs please?

hmm could you send your specs please?

yeah I can work on more options

Is your brightness or something just really low lol? Because the game starts off at nighttime. Also can you hear footstep sounds and stuff if you try moving around? Weird that you would be able to get past the menu and into the town if you had the black screen bug (usually people would get stuck by main menu)

thanks! yeah nighttime and the map still need some tweaking

Go to the weapon shop and instead of pressing E, press T with a weapon equipped to customise it. Equipment arent in the game yet


glad you enjoy the game

yeah i could add an ai difficulty option in the future

Hey sorry to hear that, could you tell me what your specs are and check if your graphics drivers are updated? Thanks. Still trying to work out what is causing this.

Hey sorry to hear that, could you tell me what your specs are and check if your graphics drivers are updated? Thanks. Still trying to work out what is causing this.

Well the main campaign is gonna be a sort of non-linear story that's mainly just there to compliment the sandbox gameplay, still just working on gameplay mechanics atm. I am also thinking of making a short, more survival focused additional mode though.

equipment hasnt been added to the game yet

You have to click the options while in the main menu, haven't added it to the pause menu yet. You unlock weapons by opening loot crates found in outposts or convoys

hopefully what polarcap said works because im not too familiar with macs lol
