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ET Lupi

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Lubrificanus community · Created a new topic Other devices?

Are there any chances of the game coming to other platforms like Android?

Oh yes, it looked like it was abandoned since the development log no longer has new posts, I'm glad the game is alive

I really liked the game, it's a shame it seems abandoned without any updates.

I feel like the update was too short considering the wait it was,But it's a chapter to conclude the presentation of the main characters, I really liked Caio, good job(I remembered that all chapters are the same length, I discovered the game through chapter 4 so it seemed long)

Vocês são maluquinho da cabeça kk

Mine is like this too :(

Oh, thanks for answering me, I loved the art and animations in your games! I will wait!

I really want to play the game but the Android version is not available, I wonder if it was abandoned or something but I really wish I had bought it :-/

Is there a chance the game is available for Android?

Is the game now paid?

That's what I had commented on his discord a few days ago, about having the option to choose but I think it's too late to add that in this update, maybe in the next one