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A member registered Feb 08, 2024

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Thank you for your reply!

There is one more issue I forgot to mention. Apparently, when you're riding someone's dick in cowgirl postion, you can penetrate them anally at the same time. It may be my poor imagination, but I think it would require some serious acrobatic skills. Or an exceptionally long dick ;D

Edit: it actually works in all postions:

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I said I was going to do a longer comment with feedback, so here it is. And I'm sorry because it turned out longer than I expected.

I think I've played most of the text-based adult games out there (Fenoxo's games, The Company, Fool's Quest, AoF, Succubus Stories and so on) and while looking for something new I found this. I've played a lot in the last ~3 weeks and at this point I think it's already better than most of the text nsfw games I've seen. With constant updates and new content coming in, it will be at the absolute top. I love the storylines, some events feel a bit too repetitive but I understand it's still rather early version. I love that you've somehow managed to make the game loop not too grindy, even though it's pretty much just school life.

Now for my gripes, I'd like to start with two bugs: 

  • Does pairing NPCs as roommates work properly? I think I got to someone's dorm and my BFF was presented as her roommate but it wasn't the same girl who is my BFF's roommate when I visit her. This is something I encountered early on (so I may not remember correctly).
  • EDIT: ok, I checked it with the save editor and here it is:

Arely Wilcox is Ashley Stout's roommate, but Arely's roommate is Stephany Greene. Seems like something that could cause problems.

  • This one is minor - I was able to invite someone to the CollegeCams stream even though I didn't have their contact details.

These two are pretty much the only bugs I've come across. There are a few other... inconsistencies though:

  • Some events and scenes could take into account your relationship with the person involved. Like walking past someone or betting in the lounge. Now it's the same scene whether it's a random person or someone you know well. When I lose a bet to someone I've sexed several times and I still get nervous when I have to flash them, it kind of breaks the immersion.
  • Learning about the likes and dislikes of NPCs is also a bit weird. Maybe it should be tied to friendship level or something because at this point I know all about random hook-up's preferences but nothing about my Best Friend's.
  • Could we get the option to throw the game in Master Blaster Arcade? Because when your video game skill is high, it's impossible to experience losing/punishment scenes.
  • When we play games in the lounge, we can _be challenged_, but we can't be the one challenging. And in the showers it's the other way around - we can approach someone using the shower but we can't get surprised by someone who is Slut/Forward. I feel like it would make sense for these interactions to be symmetrical.

And now a few things I'd like to see. Maybe they're already planned, or maybe they're not possible, so I'm writing them in the form of questions.

  • Will there be some kind of scoring system for intercourse? So based on actions taken, number of partner's orgasms and so on, sex would be rated. And that rating could affect the level of lust, be the subject of rumours, affect the popularity of the stream and maybe other things.
  • Are you going to make NPCs have sexual preferences? Like oral, vaginal, anal or different positions they like more than others. It would probably make more sense with something like the scoring system I mentioned above. It could make the sex "mini-games" more interesting and more personal, because now it's pretty much the same no matter who your partner is.
  • Will there be any random events for using the restroom?
  • Will it be possible to get caught by partner's roommate (or any other person for that matter)? Possibly leading to threesome if that person has right traits?
  • Will there be a glory hole in any of the restrooms? In River Rat perhaps.

Sorry for the long comment, I just wanted to get all my thoughts into one post. I will say it again - I absolutely love this game! Unfortunately, I can't support you right now, but I promise that as soon as I'm financially better, I'll support you on Patreon because you're doing an amazing job. Keep it up!

Thanks! I don't know if that's possible but it would also be nice to have something like "debauchery" slider in worldgen options which could alter how common are traits like "slut", "exhibitionism" and so on.

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I've found this game ~2 weeks ago and I might be a little bit addicted to it I absolutely love it! I'm going to put together longer comment with feedback, things I like and some minor bugs I've encountered.

But now I just wanted to ask - are watersports scenes already in the game? Or are they still to be added? Because I've spent at least 10 hours grinding all (supposedly) pee related scenes, I've visited every restroom like 50 times and shagged half a town in River Rat and I haven't encountered any watersports event.