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A member registered May 03, 2023 · View creator page →

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I understand, thank you very much 🐈

Le echaré un vistazo, muchas gracias :)

I'm interested in the plugin but what I'm looking for is to use images instead of videos, i.e. change the title image as the player progresses through the story, is this possible with the plugin?

I understand, thank you very much :)

Greetings, I am looking for an add-on where I can create this mini-game of the bar but with a custom line, that is to say, that I can upload the image of the bar and that this image can be changed inside the game depending on where it appears. Is it possible with this add-on?

Oh I understand 🤔 still it's a very interesting and useful add-on, to have different inventories :) 

Thanks for your reply and sorry for taking so long to answer.

Ooh I understand, mmm thank you very much 🐈 I guess even if I don't know Js I'll try it anyway, after all I find it a very nice thing to do 🥰 although complex.

I think I'll try to study to be able to expand to more development programs like Game maker for example 😅 although for now I'll keep developing in RPG maker ❤️

Hello, does it work in MZ?

hello, I love this plugin, but I have a problem, if I run it on android, the player can't write. Is there any script that shows the mobile or game keyboard?

Thank you very much :)

Hi, I'm making a time management game for myself, and I've created a shop where I can buy food.

There is a table with three plates, representing the three meals of the day. I would like that when I click on these, the meal options (suitable for breakfast for example if I click on the first dish) that I have would appear. With this plugin I can make that if I have a certain object (food) is stored directly when I buy it in an inventory that is in an event (the plate on the table)? 

Sorry if it sounds super complicated 😅

I understand, I will try to add it to the download instructions as long as I can't get it sorted 💪🏻

Oh, I'm glad you were able to get out of the error, I'll do some tests this week to see how to fix it. Thank you very much for reporting it :) I hope you enjoy the demo and thanks for trying it out 🥰.

I understand, for now I haven't tested them together yet, as soon as I do it (it may still be some time because I need to finish some graphics first) if any bug arises I will get in touch. Thank you very much :)

Hi, I have a question. The message and camera movement plugins work with the visuztella and the message style plugins from Galv? Thanks :)