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A member registered May 05, 2022

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wait, you can? DX

is there a chance that we get slime arrows? (just thought about it, and the devs even said about another slime itens

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i will name this build, throw gems to the slimes kkk, finally found a good use for the hour glass it really cand do wonders in the slime build. i had more slime swords, like six, so if i had found a bomb + hourglass and this bunch of gems maybe the run would be even more OP

just HOW, if i get 4 special cleavers i consider myself quite lucky, and i see people getting 13 DX

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get a wand (the silver one if possible) and maybe if you got the bunch of knifes relicit would still work wonders

i should go endless with this build and just make it broken, but i'm just lazy XD 

another thing, should teddy bear sword and pacifist ring really synergize? in think teddy should be a weapon, but because he isnt whe can have a +1 energy with + 2 extra atk, having both itens

i went until floor 27, with a shield build, but i could have gone futher i was just lazy because the battles lasted so long

if slime sword exist would be too much to ask for, slime daggers or another slime items? XD to make more use of the bomb relic

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this was my most sucessfull build so far, if not for the bug on the legendary shield this build would be better and faster, but it was awesome anyway, i got stopwatch from this fight so maybe i could have gone to the third endless but i was lazy, the fights were lasting sooooo long XD

can i suggest a function of "use all mana"? xd

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by the way this run is being insane, i found 5 blacksmith, 3 for shields, 2 for the weapons

there seems to be a little bug in the game, if i press the hercule, he should use the 4 club, but its not using it, even if it sayr that it should, marking it