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A member registered Nov 10, 2022 · View creator page →

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Your game is amazing! I am definitely playing again. I want to save them. 😭

I played your game for my 3 scary games series. Your game was the 3rd in my video. The start was a bit slow but it progressed rather quickly. I actually liked your demo and cant wait for the full release!

I played your game for my 3 scary games series. Your game was the first in my video. A short but good horror game! I really liked the surprise in the basement. That was my fave part!

I played your game for my 3 scary games series. Your game was the 2nd one in my video. I love games where you do tasks like the one in your game where we are doing laundry. I dont know why but I just enjoy it. Plus it had spooky elements. A win for me! I am glad we were able to help the ghost in the end!

I finally played your full game and omg the sounds! The atmosphere was soooo scary in that house.  I was tense the entire time. It really put you in the shoes of a person being stalked.  You executed this perfectly. In the end...i felt bad for Liam 😓

Another amazing game from you! I knew there was something strange about our character but that ending was not expected!

I played your game for my 3 scary games series. Your game is the 1st one in my video. I really liked that you changed up the asset house as I usually see devs use the same layout. The amazed me that she kept "helping" us so I have to see what the full game has to offer. I loved this demo!

I played your game for my 3 scary games series. Your game was the 3rd in my video.  I really liked your game! It took a few tries to beat the ending because the wooden soldiers would come out of no where at times! 

I played your game for my 3 scary games series. Your game was the 2nd in this video. I really liked your game but had a hard time understanding what to do! I'm going to check out other playthroughs to see what to do because I did it wrong. I will play this game again and hope I win next time.

(2 edits)

This is such a good series! I really liked act 2. The story is unfolding and I want to know what happens next! I hope act 3 comes out soon! Btw i believe this is gameplay before update. I will play again to see the changes I think I missed! I had recorded and never uploaded.

I played your game for my 3 scary games series. Your video was the 1st in this video. While I am not familiar with eyeless jack, it was quite scary! I love your creepy pasta games but I know you are moving on to other projects! Cant wait to see what you have in store for us!

I played your game for my 3 scary games series. This game was the 2nd in my video. I also really loved this game! I did not expect the 2nd ending but it was so good! I really thought it was adorable! I was so worried for Molly! I will always keep a look out for your games. They are amazing!

I played your game for my 3 scary games series. This game was the 1st in the video. I LOVED it! I did not expect more than half of the jumpscares. And I also noticed HIDDEN things in the gameplay when I was editing and not when I was playing. So I can only imagine how much I really missed. Your games are AMAZING! Keep up the great work!

I played your game for my 3 scary games series. Your game was the 2nd one in this video. I always love your creepypasta games Tayo! I really enjoyed this one. Splendorman was soo goofy. I loved it!

I played your game for my 3 scary games series. Your game was the 1st one. I have to say that Mrs Chalk...She is PURE evil! I really enjoyed the game and I really hope my dog is okay Y_Y

As soon as I heard a new version was out I has to buy it! This is the steam version. I attempted double or nothing but in the end the dealer got me. The new items are cool and the leader board is a great idea. It makes me wonder if multi-player might be a thing in the future as well? Needless to say but Loved it! Keep it up 

I did not expect this game to be so funny. The farts scared me I am not sure why hahaha! I think I have to play more of this series. 

I played your game for my 3 scary games video series. Your game was the 2nd one in my video. I really enjoyed your game! It reminded me of Alien in a way.  The demo was satisfying while leaving room to know more of what is to come! I can't wait to play the full game. I want to see what becomes of the original captain and if we really do end up...

eating him perhaps?

I played your game for my 3 scary games series. Your game was the 1st one in my video. I had never known of the penjikent creature but its terrifying! I really enjoyed the way the game progressed and also appreciated the hint for the safe code for those who do not want to go on a mission searching for it! I'm loving all your games!

I really thought Cris was out to frame us but wow was I wrong! Dead wrong! This was a really great game! Another banger from 616 games!

I played your game for my 3 scary games video series. Your game was the 3rd one in my video. As always, another amazing game from you! This game is proof that at the end of the day, no amount of money is worth the nightmares! Thank you for another amazing game!

I played your game for my 3 scary games video series. Your game was the 2nd one in my video. This was a short but entertaining game! I would love to see a longer version of this game but with the part where weird things happen while you stream. The audience reactions and the fact that they saw something we didn't...I LOVED that concept.

I played your game for my 3 scary games video series. Your game was the 1st one in my video. I thought the game was very unique. The concept of being trapped in an area with minimal mobility and a demon/ghost trying to murder you was scary! It took a bit to get the hang of it but I ended up getting it. I really enjoyed this game!

Exciting news! Cant wait for full release!

Great updates!

(1 edit)

I played your game as part of my 3 scary games series. Your game was the 3rd one. I think it was pretty cool how the AI changes the maps and the killer was super scary since you can hear when he is nearby. Atmosphere was unsettling but It took so long to locate a working machine and then I only was getting 0.10 cents out of the trash bins. I was not able to beat it after 1 hour of playing. The killer got me twice D: I know we need to memorize the maps but it would be helpful to have a transit map to mark the machine once we locate it since the maps change with each death. 

I played your game as part of my 3 scary games series. Your game was the 2nd one. I do not know much about SCP lore but I really would hate to come across this lamp post and the shadow figure it has attached to it. It was spooky!

I played your game as part of my 3 scary games series.. Your game was the 1st one in this video. I am not sure if the game works normally because I tried to look for the horror right from the start. This game is cursed hahaha. It was unsettling for how cute it was!

You did an amazing job bringing this story to life in game form! He was creepy! The way he moved gave me goosebumps. 💀

Got it! Can't wait! I adore this game!

Is the new level update playable? Id love to record the updated gameplay!

Ohhh!!! LORE! Love it! I have to play again for the other two endings :D

I loved your game! It could easily become a movie and I wouLd watch it! I felt so bad for Sarah and idk about Edgar.  Was he a cop or something? Either way I loved it. The end game was CRAZY.

I played your game for my 3 scary games series.  Your game is the 2nd in this video. I liked the cooking aspect of your game! I cant wait till the full version. Are we going to have customers while the spooks happen?

I played your game for my 3 scary games series. Your game was the 1st in my video. I really enjoyed your game! I only made it to night 3 but I plan to try again to see if I can beat it ! The anomalies were super creepy btw! It gave me Alternate Watch vibes.

I played your game for my 3 scary games video series. Your game was the 3rd one. I played the demo version that was on steam and it was so interesting. It felt like I was in one of those movies! Great game!

I played your game for my 3 scary games video series. Your game was the 1st one in my video. As a Duolingo user, let me say you captured the essence of missing a lesson. What a brilliant idea to make it into a horror game! Great game!

I played your game for my 3 scary games video series. Your game is the 2nd one in this video. I really enjoyed the puzzles and was disappointed we did not see what was below the house! I can't wait for the full gam and to know the real history of what went on inside this cabin.


Thank you so much! Im so happy you are including that! I can't wait!