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A member registered Aug 17, 2016 · View creator page →

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Thank you very much! Is there an alternative way to contacting you via Twitter? If not, I can try mentioning you from a different account which hasn't been erroneously flagged for spam; whichever you prefer.

I will probably need to submit my game a day or two late due to limited access to computers that can run one of the programs I'm working with. (Basically, I'm stuck with a Mac, but I need a Windows computer for some final things, and VirtualBox Windows won't work properly with the program I am using. I can usually only get to the computer lab with Windows computers during the weekend, but the deadline is Friday, so I anticipate needing one or two extra days.)

I'm totally new to this website; how exactly do late submissions work? I know it says we can contact Avery via twitter for a submission link, but do we need to do so prior to the deadline?

(Apologies for crossposting here and Twitter! My Twitter account recently triggered Twitter's anti-spam algorithm (no idea how or why) and was locked, so I think my tweets do not appear in anybody's mentions unless we are mutuals.)

Hello everyone! I go by Lizardo and I'm going try my hand at actually /finishing/ a game! I'm a little notorious for not finishing projects, but this is something I've wanted to do for a while and I've think I've learned by now how to keep the scope small and myself focused. I'm going to be working on a visual novel in Ren'py, most likely a fangame with Vocaloid characters as I'm planning on using MMD (freeware, Vocaloid-focused 3D animation software) to generate the character images.

All in all I'm really excited about this opportunity! Looking forward to jam!