wow, this game is good, i would love to see how you develop your characters, the story telling is good too.
there is a problem though, the 'black screen' frequency is a bit high, i think you don't need to add that much between scenes.
My english is bad, but at least it's still better than judging people with no understanding
You let the MC do lewd stuff with other girls, GIRLS, and you are saying that other people can't do that? If i understand correctly, it's like you are saying "I'm the only one can sleep with multiple people and other people can't" that's Double Standard. Don't tell anybody how to live their life if you didn't even know what did they went through.
As long as she is not sleeping with other people after being in relationship with mc, then she is totally fine
Thank you KS for making this game
Enjoy your trip.
this is weird but read your post is like playing your game itself, interesting
i appreciate everything you brought to us, whatever you do, i believe you will success, you have my encouragement.
I can write a long artical about how i love you and LR but my english doesn't have enough abilities to express all my feeling right now.
you are my favourite Dev
Thank you for creating Lycoris Radiata