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A member registered Jul 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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He's put a lot of hard work into this game, giving it a pricetag wouldn't be a bad thing.

thanks so much for the feedback.  I was late and only had about 16 hours to work on the game before the jam ended, so it was a bit of a rush and this was my first game jam.  I'll make sure to take your advice in future game jams!

haha thanks it was my first attempt at making art ever

thanks so much! :)

chad right here

Cool!  Isn't that a visual story kind of thing

Like Manu said, I'm pretty sure all game engines are allowed, I'd move away from scratch asap If I was you though


never heard of that


I'm rolling with gamemakerstudio 2 on this one, what are you guys using?

I sent you a friend request

sorry for the late response, but yeah I am!

Looking For Vector Artist (Revshare)


Project: Electrik Samurai is a 2D semi-roguelike game set in a futuristic Japan.  You, a samurai, must take down the Yakuza.

Revshare- 20+%

Current Team- Currently our team is made of 1 Programmer, 1 Artist, and 2 Composers.  We're looking for another Artist who specializes in vector art specifically. 

Responsibility- You'll have to devote yourself to the project, if you're not serious and don't plan on doing anything this may not be the project for you.

Length- The game consists of several levels and is expected to be completed by Late 2020 or Early 2021

To Apply- Please Reply to this thread and or message me on discord at 

shrimp ニホンジンエビ#7247

Please send examples of your work. Thanks, have a good day. Thanks! Have a great day.

yes good game mm

(1 edit)

Project: Electrik Samurai is a 2D semi-roguelike game set in a futuristic Japan.  You, a samurai, must take down the Yakuza.

Revshare- 20+%

Current Team- Currently our team is made of 1 Programmer, 1 Artist, and 2 Composers.  We're looking for another Artist who specializes in vector art specifically. 

Responsibility- You'll have to devote yourself to the project, if you're not serious and don't plan on doing anything this may not be the project for you.

Length- The game consists of several levels and is expected to be completed by Late 2020 or Early 2021

To Apply- Please Reply to this thread and or message me on discord at 

shrimp ニホンジンエビ#7247

Please send examples of your work. Thanks, have a good day

(1 edit)

Project: Electrik Samurai is a top down semi-roguelike game set in a futuristic Japan.  You, a samurai, must take down the Yakuza.

Revshare- 20+%

Current Team- Currently our team is made of 1 Programmer, 1 Artist, and 2 Composers.  We're looking for another Artist who specializes in vector art specifically. 

Responsibility- You'll have to devote yourself to the project, if you're not serious and don't plan on doing anything this may not be the project for you.

Length- The game consists of several levels and is expected to be completed by Late 2020 or Early 2021

To Apply- Please Reply to this thread and or message me on discord at 

shrimp ニホンジンエビ#7247

Please send examples of your work.

Hello,  currently our top-down shooter/samurai game is a month into development.  Originaly we planned to have a 6 month deadline, which is why I'm making this post.  We have dozens if not hundreds of art assets to be made, and while we already have an artist, it won't hurt to add another.  I'm looking for someone who can draw vector art.   Please message shrimp ニホンジンエビ#7247 on discord for more information.  I'm offering Revshare, but since we have a 4 member team, Revshare will likely be around 20%.  Right now most backend programming in the game is finished for the first level.  I hope to see you there.

please mesage shrimp ニホンジンエビ#7247 on discord to be added to the team.  And please send me your email for access to trello

Hello!  I think you have exactly what we need on the team!  Do you want to join us, we just began working on a commercial game?

composer, an extra artist, writer

Hello I've already formed a team and we already have a game idea.  I'd love to have you on board.  The game is set in a futuristic city where you are a samurai killing mobsters.  Do you want to join?

(1 edit)

Hello! I'm a GML programmer who wants to make my first commercial game.  Right now I can program decently, but I'm not a good story writer, nor a good artist, nor a good composer.  If anyone wants to teamup that'd be awesome, I'd love to work with you.  We can get started on the game asap.  

I use Gamemaker Studio 2.   I'm looking for a project that is completable within 6- 9 months.  If interested, please message  * shrimp ニホンジンエビ#7247 * or reply to this comment. Thank you.

What I'm looking for

I'm looking for a 2D Pixel artist, preferably one comfortable with top-down art.  I'm looking to make a game similar to nuclear throne and hollowknight.  

For A Writer- You can do with whatever you live with the story, I'd like it to be set in a post-apocalypse world with aliens though. That'd be cool.

Does anybody want to team up.  I want to compete in this game jam but can't find any teammates.  Anyone wanna have some fun and collab?  

gamemaker studio 2

Hello I'm a gml programmer wanting to meet some friends and get some experience working on this game jam.  I'm looking for a 2D Artist, any takers?  We can get to work tonight if you respond quick enough.