This is an absolutely wonderful puzzle book, full of the delight of suddenly discovering the answer to a clever, delightful question.
Recent community posts
I tried opening one of the .aftemplate files today in Affinity 2 on MacOS.
I did get a warning that the template was created in Affinity 1, and that saving the template again would convert it to Affinity 2. After that warning, the file opened normally.
I got a "Missing Resources" for fonts, but that isn't surprising. I downloaded the fonts, and all is looking good.
I have been playing Book of Hours (and a little Cultist Simulator) and found its tone, world and characters absolutely incredible.
A few days ago, I thought "I wonder if anyone's made an unofficial RPG for this world?" -- and you'd just released this! :)
Downloaded - I'm beyond excited to check out this game. Now, perhaps, I can use these materials to invent and peruse EVEN MORE unnerving books and find out more about all these peculiar characters...