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LNL Games

A member registered Aug 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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This is the best puzzle I have seen (of submited to this jam) so far.

I can recomend you to do only two things. Lower volume of death sound a bit and make more levels! :)

Thanks you a lot for your feedback! :)

    1. Must have in the full version.
    2. I think shooting need to use stamina because it's  the only way (at this point, later I'll maybe add some traps and etc.) to  challenge player.
    3. Must have in the full version.
    4. At the start of the jam we (Me and my freind (level designer/music-finder/art-reviser(Actually he just helped a little bit, but all important work was done by me))) had a lot of ideas and even checkpoint system like in Dark Souls, but the time limit did its' job, so (we thought level were too tiny for checkpoints (but godot didn't thought that way, so level 1 cause some lags (in the browser version))) I didn't code this feature, but I'll certainly add it sometime later.

    The best wave-based game I seen so far (of submited to this game jam). It'll be cool if you will add some lore and simply expand it's mechanics(more enemies, diffrent weapons, maybe some traps?). I think I'd even buy it if it was a full game. Great job.

    Very nice, but it'll be cool if you will add wave system, more levels and even more towers and traps (In my head it looks like "Orcs Must Die" but in 2d.)

    I fixed it :)

    Thanks you a lot for bug reporting, I still have a bit of hours to fix sone bugs, so I'll fix it later, when I'll be free. 

    The world isn't big enough now, but I think that I'll increase movement speed a bit.
