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A member registered 85 days ago

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I will wait for all the adjustments and patches and improvements that you'll make! Your games are nice and exciting :)

Finished the demo and it has a great potential!

I did't like too much the fact that I never saw monsters' images too clearly, since you can only see part of them after losing. It would be hot to see them better imo. Maybe a Journal with some sketches and info about them with pictures might be a nice idea, dunno.

Also I'm not a big fan of "direct fights", I preferred the "Dark Places" system, but I suppose I just have to learn a new combat style :)

I can't wait for new content!!!

Thank you!

I found the game by chance browsing. It turned out to be one of the nicest games I ever played!

I simply love seeing Grove being violated by monsters and also the story is fascinating and captivating!

I hope there will be more to play and more to see soon!

I got a little bit disappointed by the grapple mechanics, especially the "present yourself" one because you get rid permanently of your armour. I get it's normal if monster rip it off from you, but it felt a little too punishing if I decided to undress willingly.

Also I found it very difficult to try to win combats by "whoring" myself. In my first try I thought it was possible, but I soon found that you'd lost most of the times, especially because of TP generation and regeneration while in a grapple.

By the way, it is a overall really gooooooood game!

Can't wait to see new content!