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lofi cacti

A member registered Oct 26, 2015 · View creator page →

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Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it.

Hey, I appreciate the feedback--thanks for trying it out!

Thanks, I'll look into this...

It's called Relinquish by Podington Bear.

Hey thanks for the message! Glad you enjoyed it. Realize this is a week late, but the game should save your progress if you didn't complete it yet. If you do try again, let me know if it doesn't for some reason.

Thanks for the feedback!  It sounds like you got to the ending based on your comment about going "outside" -- glad you made it that far :) (Also I appreciate the mindfulness of spoilers). I'll definitely be expanding on this and will be doing some work to make the overall arc and that ending transition more smooth.

no. but ill call you a dingus !

Thanks for the feedback! Had no idea about that window positioning bug, I'll look into that along with your balance suggestions.

Local multiplayer meaning two people on the same same machine. I have plans to learn network engineering, and I definitely think God Save the Queen would benefit from some sort of LAN play :)

Haha, that's awesome! Appreciate your comment- may have to add that comedy tag...

Well, hey.

I'll second that. Sfx fit really well.


Should be WASD. If that's not working, make sure a gamepad isn't connected. If one is, keyboard functionality may not work.

Are you using a gamepad or keyboard?

Each player gets a 3 minute time bank that runs down while they play as the Spy. Poisoning pies is how the Spy scores points.

Just press 'E.' I should put that in the description at least, thanks.

Hilarious! It's nice to see other people playing. Found a couple of bugs while watching :x

Just download the .exe and run it. Instructions are in the game, but WASD controls the spy, mouse controls the sniper. You can use a gamepad too.

Cool, glad that worked!

You cannot move the van, at least not at the moment. I honestly didn't expect this many people showing interest in this game- I've just been making one small prototype every week, and this is one of them.

I'm bringing two other people in to turn this into something more, so stay tuned! :)

Hey there! I'm not too sure, but it looks like that has to do with corrupted or missing files. I went ahead and uploaded an installer for the game that you could try.

This is really cool! Love the way jumping feels.

your puzzlescript dungeon game. I like it

this is hilarious