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Logan Gamers

A member registered Feb 14, 2021 · View creator page →

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Nice! This was honestly a really good recreation!

Pretty fun game, my only issue is that some descriptions could be clearer. I often found myself asking, "What does that mean?" when reading an item description, I didn't even figure out what a reroll was until over half way through the game. I do like the art style though, it's got a nice MS Paint feel, and it's pretty unique. Keep up the good work!

Jump with Shift

I like the unique art style. It took me a looong time to figure out there was a double jump. Also, the final boss can easily be cheesed by going on to the roof of one of the houses and shooting him down from there. Pretty fun overall.

Yeah, I'm still looking. Have you already found someone to do the art?

I'm an ok artist/animator looking to join a team. I'm mostly good at normal smooth art, but I do also have practice in pixel art. I'm no professional, but I can make art and animations in a timely manner. 

game good

how do you use the sus knife

I love this game. My only complaint is that I wish there was more! You bet I'm buying this game on day one.

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mmmmm gud gam wer part 2

how do u do only one

cant download

got true end on my first playthrough

idk why this was put under horror