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do you know the game battleship it’s like that but first you need to know about how to do encoders and decoders. first is decoders what that do is take a 2bit and up binary input (without 2s compliment) and put out a single output per section. 0000 input turns on the 0 output 0001 turns on the 1 output and 0010 turns on the 2 output and etc. with a 4 bit input you’ll get 16 outputs total each 16 outputs represent a number through 0-15.
you don't need that many registers all you need a is main memory and 2 accumulators for the processing, a 2nd larger main memory for Control unit and memory data registers, also known as MDR or multiple like Cache, Cache is THE main memory that is between the CPU and RAM what it dose is that it take HUGE chunks of memory at once (mostly 4 eight bit registers at once) then send it to the CPUs memory and control unit. it also sends data back to ram or to main bus. (about the memory input from ram to cache is much bigger than that IRL)
half of an adder with a normal Exclusive ORthis is a interesting X-OR this one can cancel out the x-or function and turn into a normal Or and there are other ways to cancel the xot function but the one here basicly shows you how it’s doing it
an full adder using the normal x-or and special x-or and 2 other functions the FC and can look unless due to the OR but the CIN only for carry wile Flood Carry turns on all the carrys at once. edited ok to fix this make shure you make the OR function cancel out the AND gate in the picture below.
a group of full adders the Carry out (COUT) is connected into Carry in as a carry to each Full adders except for one thats connected as a function the FC is connected to ALL the FCs of the full adders and OR function is connected to all Full adders too. also known as a Ripple carry adder (RCA) the slowest type of adder out there but good for beginners.
inverters basically can take a binary input and flip it. like 1001 to 0110
1 to 2 inverters are required i prefer 2. one Ripple carry adder and other outputs this time which is the Zero flag (Fz) and the negative flag (Fn) and 2 new inputs for input a and b with all these functions you can add and subtract in binary and do basic logic like NOR, X-OR, AND, OR, NAND, and X-NOR. the reason why not is not in the list be because you can do NOT function but Nor hastily dose the exact same thing so its one less peace of programming you have to worry about
thats all the basics of the ALU hope you enjoy the info.
the Arithmetic logic unit
This is had a lot of potential i think it can teach kids easily and can help intermetait or advanced people design Full blown CPUs. yes its still in beta but i think this simulator is very good and i love it
but i do see some problems thats very simple and prob be the first things fixed or added for next update.