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A member registered Jun 19, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hello, all. 

I just recently joined and am excited to share! I make physical games and my second is called Poe(t), or the Unkindness of Ravens.  It's a party game that you play behind the scenes of actual conversations. "Poe(t)s" try to sneak poetic language into what they're saying, and "Ravens" try to interrupt them.  I'd love for anyone to try it and give me feedback! It's two pages and currently free.

I should mention my first game, a single player TTRPG about developing a children's cartoon in the 80s, called Thirty Minute Toy Commercial is also available and free. I didn't promote it here, so hopefully it doesn't violate the rules to bring it up. It's playable, but I expect to do a few more revisions (including adding illustrations) before it's complete.

I'm having so much fun. Thanks to everyone who makes this place available.


Poe Jam community · Created a new topic First in!

Got mine posted. I had a lot of fun playing with it. 

I really wanted to pick some obscure piece, but the Raven idea came fast and stuck hard. I feel like a bit of a sellout.

If anyone would like to push themselves further than I did, I found this story called "Never Bet the Devil Your Head" about a man named Toby Dammit who does exactly that. It's got everything, the devil, decapitations, a moral, and bunch of nonsense about transcendentalism. 

Looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with.


Hey,  Capy!

Thanks for the kind comments. You absolutely could use this to generate a Saturday morning cartoon setting. I say go for it! If I add any of those kind of direct role-playing components, it will be far down the line, but you could probably build out your characters in any universal system. 

Have Fun!


Thank you! Inspiration struck the moment I read it!


Hey, this is my second jam, and I'm excited to contribute. Do you have a theme yet? That really helps me focus my attention.


They're coming. Illustrations are the last thing on my list, but I hope to get there. 

I'll give a try. I was intimidated by all the files. 


Solution: Play in a Pizza Parlor.

Awesome! I'll look out for it.

Awesome! I clicked through to the crowdfunding site and loved the art. Will there be a direct-sales, printed version?

Love the Smur... uh... Smorfs! I'm new to Is it standard to have so many versions of the file? I understand the printer-friendly version, but what are the others for?  Anyway, thanks for sharing and a smorfy good day to you. 

Now that is an efficient breakdown of the dog detective formula! Sounds like fun!

Really love the setting work here. In some ways it invokes the setting even better than the inspirational cartoon.  I'm still getting my head around the system (I haven't heard of Lady Blackbird before). I'd probably have to play it to figure it out. Thanks for sharing!

Just letting you know that the next (full) version is up. 

Love the setup here. Crafting the story through interruption and vague memories, it's the most realistic mechanic I've seen. I hope to get a group together and play it sometime. 

Agreed on the design! Well done! This sounds like a lot of fun and you managed to create that tone in every line. One suggestion (if it's in there I missed it). Why not use real pizza! Then when you're defeated at least your full of 'za. Thanks for sharing this. 

I don't really know how to install this (my fault, not yours; I'm not much of a video game person). However, the screenshots look awesome. Well done!

I'm mostly here for TTRPGs, but this was utterly charming. It took me a second to figure out the controls, and then I immediately swerved into a banana peel. I could definitely see a Wacky Racers version of this with 70s style cartoon characters yelling at each other. 

I kind of love this. Just enough suggestion to get the players going without overwhelming them. The Edit mechanic is especially well-considered. Even the art is great. I don't understand why there isn't one booklet that contains both the rules and the charts, but I'm still learning around here. 

Really love the light, comedic tone of this. Also, very nicely formatted and to the point.  I can tell by your credentials that you are deep in this world, which I'm just starting to dip my toe in. I'm looking forward to more of your stuff. 

I guess I needed the extra time after all. I finished a working draft that is up now. Thanks for hosting the jam, it was fun!

Uploaded the new version. Check it out!

Hey, all. The extended deadline gave me time to finish a working draft! If you downloaded it before, please do so again, as now it goes all the way to the end. However, I do have some expansions coming up, so if you like it, or want more let me know. Thanks, this was fun. I look forward to checking out everyone else's work. 


Awesome! I'm almost done with the full version. Of course, while I was working on it, I had an idea for a pretty big revision that would vary the play sequence somewhat. My current plan is to post the complete version, hopefully tonight. Then take a short break and work on another project. Then come back and do the revision, at which point I will also complete the 2-player version (at your request!). Finally, I'll add some illustrations and hopefully the appendix.

Thanks, I hope to have a completed version by next week. Then, if there is interest, I have a couple ideas for expansion including a two-player version, an appendix listing how every major 80s cartoon could emerge from the system, and some illustrations, etc. 

Got it in, just barely, at least by my clock. I plan to keep refining it, but this was a fun challenge and I appreciate the opportunity. 

Glad you're interested! An incomplete version is up now. 

Thanks! Don't change the deadline. It's what keeps me motivated. I think I'll have an almost working draft up tomorrow. About three quarters playable. Enough to show off at least.

Hey, all.

I've been making games for a long time, but wasn't hooked into a community. I just found and thought I'd give it a go. I'm a big fan of 80s cartoons, so this seemed like the perfect Jam to get me started. 

I've been working on a solo ttrpg for this Jam, which I hope to get up by the deadline.  It's kind of a Saturday Morning Cartoon generator, where you take the role of a creative director at a toy company and try to manage the different needs of the market to make the most profitable cartoon possible. Even if I miss the deadline, I hope to post the game. I'm really looking forward to checking out all your work as well. 

Since I am new, just let me know if there is anything I'm missing, or if I violate any ettiquette.

