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A member registered Mar 14, 2023 · View creator page →

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Eh your fine I've seen way worse, this game struck me more of a sharing theme than getting your girlfriend stolen theme anyways. I'm happy with whatever direction you decide to go with bro.

Quick question are cucktales and bull tales related? Like is it a shared universe or stand alone games with nothing to do with each other? Is the grandpa game related to any of these games as well?

Sorry you guys got bullied by ntr haters, I would call them vanilla fans but the ones who go overboard and harass content creators like you guys, are just not normal... I hope this project turns out good I like the art style and your games are fun good luck I will purchase game next time I get paid!

I only know of the mayor and Leslie getting pregnant I'm not sure if the other women.

Do you have third party downloads blocked? I sometimes get download forbidden when I switch mobile connection to wifi mid download?

Might be some femdom in a future update

Quick question I'm trying to craft better armor and weapons but I'm stumped as to where to find the runes, and if they are enemy drops which enemies carry which runes.

If you have any skill points left you can add them to one of your traits, it will tell you it can also help in the fishing minigame

Is this patch coming to Android?

100% agree but it's also advertising and free marketing, who knows maybe somebody who plays it might get more eyeballs on your project. Maybe not all of the scenes just like a teaser or sumthin, a let's play would be cool

Yeah I was a little confused but that makes sense, I think I also saw some news about confined with goddess 2 not sure if they are related....

Your game looks cool bro I wound up buying it, just wanted to drop a a message of support good luck!

Bro your game is friggin cool, I'll stick around until you finish it. I've had fun playing it and I'm sure your next update will not disappoint.

(1 edit)

Ooh I got patty fired after doing in the bosses office? Is she that it for Patty? Or is there something I can do to bring her back?

It says there was an update 48 days ago (from today's date 06/25/24) is it going to be on I paid for the premium version i haven't really seen anything on here what are the changes?

I don't have PayPal, any chance I can pay with card?

Is there a walkthrough available? A guide or tips out for this game?

Furthermore, I consider that NG+ options for +[ally stats] or +[ally starting exp] should be added.

 I completely agree

Realistically yes, the boobs and butt getting bigger was fat getting moved around. To grow bigger you would need to promote bone growth and from where would the material to grow bones even come from??? And actually when your bones do grow it is painful, puberty is kind of an awkward period and from medical journals and research I have read the most painful part about it is the bone growth experienced in growing taller. imagine going through that growth spurt in like one day it would be agonizingly painful not to mention the stretch marks and maybe broken skin..... Unless your talking about losing height then you would just lose bone density but grow weaker idk man i think it's the right call to keep it where it is, I mean in real life people get surgeries that require their bones getting broken and then having pieces of bone surgically attached at the shins to get an extra inch or more.

Awesome that's good to hear, thank you

Any chance for a part 3 or spinoff of some kind?