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Lonely Cryptid Media

A member registered Jan 04, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thank you for this lovely game!! I printed a couple physical copies that is always in my board game bag because I love to play it. I actually played it on a trip with my friends while we were waiting for the solar eclipse on April 8th!

 It's so much fun and it inspired me to make a hack for this system - Would it be okay if I submitted the hack to the One-Page RPG Jam 2024?

Thanks for reaching out! We're glad you enjoy it. We would put this work on under an attribution license. Feel free to remix how you like! Let us know what you make with it, too, so we can check it out.

We're so glad it resonated with you. :) Thank you for your thoughtful review!

A very interesting concept for building a derelict ship. Some of the things are a bit unclear (what does "merge" mean when you roll a 6?) but overall this makes for some fun and creative ship designs.

A fast-paced game about scavenging as much as you can before time runs out. It's a bit unclear how scoring works, although I inferred that you add up the number cards you have at the end. In fitting with the hook of the game, the more you play the better you will get at knowing the face card effects without needing to look them up, meaning you can scavenge more quickly. It's a fun game of solitaire with a sci fi twist.

A fun zombie-outbreak game set on a derelict. The maps have lots of fun details to explore.

The tables work really well together. The gameplay loop is clear and explained well. A bit more flavor might encourage more roleplaying.

This game has a lot of fun flavor! I like the challenge level, and the lose conditions add good tension. The game feels more balanced for one player playing multiple characters. A bit more about how to translate the rules when playing with multiple players might be helpful. For example, what the other players should do to keep having fun when their character has died.

A brief, intense solo journaling game. The starting points offered supply a good amount of "hook" and inspiration without being too constraining. The use of a deck of cards adds a lot of fun randomness, although the fact that you could end the game by drawing a joker first turn could make for a very quick play through!

Spooky! The intersection of sci fi and ghost story is done very well. 

A nice map making game. The variety in the tables ensures that no two iterations of Jacob's Landing will be the same.

Thanks so very much for your thoughtful review! And for catching our typos. :) I'm glad some of what we hoped for is coming across. There's so much more we want to explore in this game's universe, but perhaps that is for another time. I like the reframing of bonus material suggestion and all your thoughtful considerations.

 Amazing work everyone!

Yes! :)

Hi! Thanks for your interest. You don't need to print any cards to play the game. It can be played with any standard deck of 52 cards.

Thanks for the feedback! We're glad you liked it. We hear you on the font choice. Hopefully the text-only version helps in this regard.

(1 edit)

It's About the Yearning is a solo, queer, space western journaling game about interviewing queer cowhands on Mars. 

You are a historian tasked with collecting the life histories of a dying breed: Martian cowhands. For years the work of herding cattle, horses, and other large animals across Mars’s desert surface has been a refuge for those ostracized from the gleaming white Martian cities. Queer and gender nonconforming cowhands are especially common, and without the work of historians like you their stories will be lost, crushed under the metal boot of urbanization and factory farming.

Included in this packet:

  • Ten days of prompts based around short narratives.
  • Questions to address to yourself and/or your research participants.
  • Important social context including briefings on laws, systems, and what is already known of the Martian cowhand culture
  • Space for your own reflection—journaling, notes and observations, and responses to information provided during interviews
  • Your interview “schedule”—this Appendix lists the questions you are to ask of each cowhand. Return to this schedule when you don’t know what else to say

All you need to play is a way to record your thoughts.

This game is in development using itchfunding. When certain milestones are reached we will add at least one week of additional day prompts($100), professional cover art ($150), and interior art ($250). If you enjoy It's About the Yearning please support the development!

Thanks to everyone for your support. <3

Hi everyone! We noticed that there aren't enough cooperative card games that use a standard deck of playing cards in the world, so we made one ourselves! The rules are easy to pick up, and if you don't want to do the roleplay aspect of the game you don't have to. 

Check out Border now! We had a great time building the game and playtesting it, and we hope you'll enjoying having another cooperative option during game night. :)

We just published Rustle & Romance for the Space Western TTRPG jam!

You are a band of no-good outlaws looking to rustle up some space cows from a few easy marks. Unfortunately for your ability to focus, you keep falling in love with your marks, your boss, your fellow rustlers—basically, with everyone!

We had a great time developing it and would love to hear from you if you try the game. We've also included a black and white version for printing and a plain text for folks who use screen readers. We're hoping to release a spoken word version of the game for added accessibility. 

Thank you for your kind words! It could very easily be adapted for a journaling game by addressing the questions to yourself. If you end up playing this way let us know how it goes!

I may have missed it in the rules, but is it okay to submit something you're also submitting to another jam? For example if I submit something to the solarpunk jam can I submit the same thing (or a slightly updated version) to this one as well? Loving the prompt and I wanted to double check. :)

The on-the-flyness makes sense to me. Thanks!

Loving this system! I'll be starting a game soon, and I had a question. Is there a reason why stealth and hacking both have difficulty checks that start at 5? Why don't they start at 7 like other defenses? It seems like this would make it easier to keep track of, and all it would require is subtracting 2 from the security level/network level guidelines. But I'm not sure if I'm just missing something about how I should be thinking about these are different from other types of defenses.

Love love love this game! Definitely a classic of the genre. We wrote up a full review on our blog about the story and our impressions (all good!). Definitely recommend everyone play this great game.

I received this game through Twitch Prime and enjoyed it immensely. I'll definitely be checking out more games from you! I have a complete review on my blog that goes into my thoughts on the story, mechanics, and writing. 

We did a couple playthroughs and really loved it! Thanks for making such a cute game. We were super impressed by how much characterization you were able to get across in just a few lines of dialogue. :)

Wonderful little game! Beat it in 1.5 hours with just a few points of wondering what to do next. Did encounter one bug where the sound cut out midway through. We liked the writing and snappy dialogue. It's a fun play on the detective-on-a-train genre. Very impressive, especially for two weeks!

Such a lovely game! Streamed it but unfortunately the VOD didn't get saved properly. We got the friendship ending and had a great time hanging out with Esseth. :) Thanks so much for making it!

It cannae be!! Surely ye have a secondary ending?