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A member registered 72 days ago · View creator page →

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Thanks for your comment.

I've been playing a lot with the speed of the animation for the attacks. I wanted to scale the speed and damage the more enemies you kill, but the starting speed might be too slow and not scale rapidly enough. Thats a great comment, thanks.

Yeah, the sound is indeed so-so. Lets just say that's the last thing that went in with the last hours I had. Next time, I need a proper artist and sound designer :)

I really love the idea of exploring the level and then trying to find the ring combinaison for every upcoming challenge.  I didnt know you could check the level at first, so maybe a slow autoscroll to check the level out could be nice. 
I can already see where this could lead, many other type of ghosts and more challenges.  

The baby is a fun idea. A bigger game could really encourage finding the right hero to bring players into the story.

Good job, I liked it :)

Thanks for the kind review, that's very nice of you.

Yes I really wanted better sprites, sounds and animations for the combat aspect of the game, but I ran out of time for the Jam. But that's surely something I can improve on in the future.

Thanks :)