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A member registered Mar 18, 2022 · View creator page →

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This game is so pretty

1. Hey my name's Michael and my username is Loogi. I enjoy coding so I'm trying to motivate myself into doing more of that.

2. I joined this jam in hopes that I'll be able to push myself to practice more programming and game development. (and I also like jam)

3. I pretty much love all things Nintendo (except for their bad business practices). Outside of that, I'm a big fan of series like Kingdom Hearts and Monster Hunter. I've been interested in making games for a long while but I've never really tried to do it until fairly recently.

4. I've made a few small projects with Unity, Godot and javascript. Currently the main engine I use is Godot and haven't touched anything else in a while. I've uploaded one project which is a little Shinx that walks around on your desktop (coz Luxray is sick), other than that, I have a hand full of micro games that I've made which just sit on my computer.

5. Obviously games. By that I mean I'm passionate about all the parts that make up games like the music, art direction, gameplay, programming, writing and any other form of art that's used in game development and in what ways the contribute to the game. I just hope to pick up some skills and become more motivated with game development in this jam.

Ik its been 4 months since you said this but no, currently you just need to fiddle around with it until it pops back on top. I'm using Godot to make this which is quite limited for this kind of program. If I ever get around to it, I'll change what I use to develop it for more functionality.

A menu should pop up when you right click it