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A member registered Jun 30, 2015 · View creator page →

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very dystopian! love it

glad you like it! 

im glad you like it! 

maybe something ambient!



oops :P

thanks! :D

very cool!


awesome! :D

I'm not sure, I may go back in and make some changes at some point! I guess touch controls would work with mac?

woah extra dudes, nice!! xD

it should play in browser


elephant! :D

love it!!

right click spawns unlit fireworks at the bottom, you need to move the character to light them :D


hell yeah, creepy face island!

its all about patience :P also the mouse wheel changes the speed a little

nope i wanted to keep it quite simple, also not being able to climb down could add more puzzle elements :D

fantastic style, works really well! :D

Thanks! It was a mobile game called Drancia :P very simple idea with minimal controls, i loved it! 

very nice! :D

loving the style!! :D

Thanks! Now that the voting is done, I will start looking at some changes and tweaks! :D

Wow awesome stuff! :O A huge thanks to Mark Sparling who did all the music, I will tweak the difficulty at some point so people can enjoy the other stages! 

Wow thank you, im glad you enjoyed it!! :D

awesome stuff, clean and snappy! Those little crafts really pack a punch :D

Thanks, and im glad I managed to get something up! I would like to explore the battle mechanic a lot more though. :D

Thanks! I should tweak it a bit so its easier to get to other zones :P

Wow thanks!! :D I did have a feeling that balance could be an issue, I may need to make some tweaks so people can experience the other zones/bosses! 

ahahaha I was waiting for the tv army! :P Nice! 

Clean and simple I like it! :D 

Nice, harder than it looks thats for sure x)

you monster! The 2nd lane kept getting me :P

One of my favourite jumps! Very nice level!

great level! I like the longer moving platforms nice idea :o