anyone knows the difference between the compressed version and the uncompressed version? besides the uncompressed version being really fucking huge. is it a performance matter or?
Recent community posts
I didn't played much, but I think the sistems are a bit similar to rahimew's bdcc, but they are stronger since bdcc is a lot simpler, but still, I think you should not capitalize much on this project because this can get fans a bit mad at you, so you can lower your prices and get some of the Patreon things on the base version, at least partially.
Or just download cute reapers in my room for free, it honestly have a more palatable art and probably more lewd stuff.
and for people who think I am just a hater, this game is new and will have more things than the other game, but it doesn't worth money for now.
In my opinion, ok? I deleted 3 entire paragraphs when I noticed that I don't give a shit, but I still need to tell this.
Pretty good update, I am really happy that this game is evolving fast. And if the game is already this good just on 0.1.2, imagine how it will be on 1.0! I hope rahi don't abandon this project, and if he (or she, idk) abandon it I will still hope that the project will be resumed.
Edit: is here at the comments that rahi take suggestions? If not, where it is?
Could compile the game as a .APK for Android? I know it is difficult but it is reeeeeeally hard to run on Android. And for those who are reading and are not the dev, please help me run this game or flood the comments trying to make the dev answer. (Or don't do it if you are not bothered by this problem and I'm just being dumb)