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Lord Of Luxury

A member registered Jun 10, 2023 · View creator page →

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This game contains Ntr?

One question, so far who can get pregnant? The game lasts many hours and now that I want to play it again after half a year, I don't remember much of it anymore.

A and A

I didn't expect so much content for the new update, great

obviously it depends on the creator, I'm just kindly asking him to consider it but anyway it's his decision and I know it perfectly

about my androphobia it is rare and under certain circumstances so I have no problem with having friends or playing with male protagonists but I do have a problem with being touched or other more specific things

Finally, I only repeat that I am only commenting kindly and that I am the only one does not mean that I cannot say anything

(1 edit)

yes of course I understand, you earn money with this game and it is totally perfect

It's just me and many other people who don't have the money to pay for all the games they want

5 dollars here in my country is enough for a game but I also know that in your country it is not much

I only kindly ask that you give us a version with more content so that we can enjoy it without you losing money

if there is not much difference between 0.10 and 0.26 then I understand perfectly and I will not speak or complain about it

Lastly, I'm just speaking kindly from how I see it and if you don't agree then I hope you'll kindly reply too ♡

I understand, but please consider it since it is something that I see as very important :'(

♡I love the  game and with that detail I would love it even more ♡

I understand that you put a part of the paid game and another less advanced one for free but 0.10 is very far from 0.26

I only ask for a more complete version but not the latest

Do you have any plans if you are going to put the option to choose the gender of the baby? I have androphobia (phobia of men) and I honestly do not want the baby to be born a man yes or yes

plis 0.20 free

the pregnancy is not done yet? I'm interested but it doesn't matter that fertility is at its maximum, it still doesn't get pregnan