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A member registered Jan 07, 2020

Recent community posts

God damnit, not another one. Damn patreon and their dumb rules. I really hope you do find the motivation to make a full game, this game's art is amazing, but no pressure.

What's the first?

Although I am a rather impatient man, I'd much rather hold out longer for a quality game rather than get it earlier just to be disappointed. Focus on your health and do whatever you need to to keep yourself at a 100%. I, and I'm sure many others, will be fine with waiting longer.

Yeah, we don't want you overworking yourself and end up abandoning this project as a result of that like other creators have done.

Gotta complete 5 nights, then you can see them in the animation shortcuts (Extras)

Move the new extracted files (pc) to the folder with your save files, then when a window pops up saying there are similar/identical files, just replace all of them.

(1 edit)

As much as a love this game, this new 3d style just doesn't sit right with me. I understand that it doesn't take as much effort as drawing everything by hand, but it looks really off and it just looks much better hand drawn.