Good installment, and an interesting cliffhanger-ish ending. I have a feeling it's more cultural than KAU related, but we will see. I enjoyed the new sprites!
Recent community posts
Well the Aegis works both ways, so I'm sure he has some idea, and Fen too. Since this was so successful, I can eventually see it being intergrated into Page training. Even if it becomes a "What happens in the trenches, stays in the trenches" kind of thing, keeping a fellow Squire (and thereby their Knight) alive through that kind of pain must be added to the training.
Humanity's contribution to the war and saving lives (Make love, not war).
Try Blaidd Llwyd's Youtube channel and he does a number of different VN's including this one. He reads the stories for you (does a nice voice over job) and should get you up to speed fairly quick.
He was planning to taking advantage and meet with Amicus and the MC privately for a little bit. I'm sure he never expected Amicus and the MC to have sex. Seeing that it was about to happen, Magis had 2 choices, interrupt them before or after sex. I think he made the right call interrupting them before anything happened.
There are already 2 new stories:
Interea - this is a story about the moon tour mentioned in Adastra, so after Amicus become emperor and before the MC needs to return home . It fleshes out what happened on the tour and we have had 4 chapters of this story released so far. Please note that the releases are not happening as fast as in the past, but they are coming.
Khemia - this is the next main story in the series and takes place ~2.5 years after the MC returned to Earth. This story has had 2 chapters released but the author put it on hiatus and switched to Interea. This allowed him to handle a lot of backstory and character history for Khemia. Once Interea is done (10 chapters in all I believe), the author will be coming back to Khemia.
There are 2 follow ups:
1) Interea - this fleshes out the tour of the wolven moon Amicus and the MC did after Amicus became emperor but before the MC needs to go back to Earth. In Adastra it only got a couple of sentences of mention. This is the currently active story but releases are not as regularly released at times.
2) Khemia - this take place about 2.5 years after the MC returns to Earth. There were only 2 or 3 builds before the author kind of got writers block about how to proceed. He switched to Interea since it's a story he's wanted to do for a while and is using it to help better set the historical background for the Khemia story and some of the characters. This is currently on hiatus, but not abandoned.
No it's not dead. Patrons, like myself, get early access to the release before it goes public. Not sure if the public release is the first or 15th of the month, maybe someone else remembers.
You should be getting it soon. There is also a lot of new background artwork and CGs made for this build, so it took a while to get it done.
There are two ways I have though of so far how to prove to Ranok the MC is seriously not what he assumes. The Magistrate probably will be impressed with the MCs ability to understand wolven and the MC will probably need to talk to Ranok in wolven during it to work out details.
If the MC mentions there is no language he has yet to understand, speak and read, the Magistrate may test him with various people from the various race who have their own tribal languages who live in Strandbard. Seeing this would probably convince Ranok that something very strange is going on and should listen to the MC more closely.
My other thought would be by accidental discovery. For example, while at the Magistrate's Ranok hear someone playing the same tune that the MC sang to him (Dream a little dream of me). Thinking it might point out where the MC is from he could ask the Magistrate where the song is from and the Magistrate could say that it is recently discovered music from an ancient human ruin. The Human Jarldoms do not recognize the song, and the language is unknown, but sheet music notation hasn't changed over all the years, so they can at least play the tune.
It'll be interesting to see how KaelTiger handles all this.
I am aware of that path. However, by choosing Vulgor you show him trust (when you have no reason to considering how he treated you so far) and that can affect things later in the novel and how he feels about you. So even that incident can have repercussions later and probably do, otherwise there was no real point to giving us the choice.
The wolves would not annex it, just farm it with the bunnies. It would effectively be a buffer/neutral zone, that is still tigerii land and under tigerii laws, to the wolves actual forest territory. I agree arrangements will be needed with at least Strandbard, but considering the alternative would be no taxes and the land being left unused (especially considering it's been decades and still no one dares to live there farming, grazing, or anything else), the tigerii would probably entertain the idea.
It would also be useful to have more eyes watching the road leading to the wolves forest to prevent any more dumb nobles from causing trouble.
Caelan is also a good mediator, like when he help Ranok and the tiger farmer come to agreements.
Using his language skills is a tricky business. Ranok still doesn't realize the extent of Caelan's ability. What we have see so far suggests he can understand, speak and read any language of that world. As such, if that became known, he would be in real danger.
What if his knowledge is about things they didn't even know about? How could he actually prove he's a noble? He would be in real danger of being kidnapped and potential enslaved. Why pay when you can just make him your slave and force him to tell you what he knows and translate ancient texts?
Remember, he has no one he can trust or rely on in Strandbard.
On the flip side, if he can prove to Ranok he can understand, speak and read any language, it would make Caelan extremely valuable and might just get him back to the village and out of trouble with knowing the Wolven language since no one could possibly be taught all the languages in his current lifetime (about 20 years).
I believe the original issue is with teaching someone who is not a wolf to speak the wolven language and the betrayal of that knowledge. Merely speaking is a different matter, since Tryst didn't get killed when asking about which lupin burrow was attacked (even if his speech was rather broken up).
You really were not reading the story well, were you. When Ranok says that "this will be your new home" while in The Broken Keg inn, it means he's planning to arrange it so the MC can stay there at the inn. It's part of why Vithyr told Ranok not to be too excessive in his spending. I wouldn't be surprised if he allows the MC to have limited access to the gold when Ranok puts it in the bank.
Watching this I got an idea, though i don't know if KaelTiger will go there. Basically, based on the description of the land just past the wolves territory and the history told to us by the tiger farmer, this land all used to be farm land. One of the things Ranok needs to buy in Strandbard is grain since the wolves cannot cut down the forest in their territory to grow grain.
Why not have the wolves, in partnership with the bunnies, take over those empty lands and farm their own grain? Strandbard and the kingdom should not mind since they will start getting taxes again from the land. The farmer says everyone sees the wolves as killers, but they just have to enforce the laws of their lands, but if wolves start farming the land outside of their forest they would be under the tiger kingdom laws and would not have to kill people for just showing up. Tirnan's tribe would finally get to "know" their neighbours (the local farmers and Strandbard) and they would get to meet wolves and know them.
There are other advantages as well, but this seems like a good idea to me.
Same here. The Patreon early release worked fine, but now I get an error if I go to a bookmark at the end of 8.2 and try to proceed into the new release.
I recall seeing in KealTiger's Twitter post to select the "Latest Release" option from the Chapters main Menu option.
That took me into this new release correctly.