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A member registered Apr 22, 2023

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I was gonna support you man, Goddamn it!

I love the idea, Red, Keep it up my friend!

Niiiiice, Keep it up, Red!

It got messed with *again* Jesus when do people stop messing with the guide so others can do their stuff?

I'm sorry I can't give you the bug report for my 4th save of where the Store menu bugged out.

IDK if Red did so, But.... I am hoping to learn more about his plans

Also, I have a question? Where is the orthopedic  ward, Mentioned in the Walkthrough? I can't find it.

It's not fully re-stored some more stuff got affected.

Uhm, someone is making the entire walkthrough Japanese, I can't read it.

(1 edit)

I feel like I am dumb since I don't have a map of the city, I am doing Julian's Side quest and I got the Memories glasses.

Edit: I found the Caregiver Bar and when I went to the punishment room, it seems like the thing is not completed and it sends me to a random sky box my character not insight

(2 edits)

Does any one know where I can recruit new members for the Diaper Club? I have the Public beta build but I am unsure of how to find and do the other content in the game.

Edit: Does anyone know how to use the Memories Glasses and the diaper glasses?

Another Edit: I am getting frustrated within the Office at the Hosptial IDK who to talk to and who to avoid, I know the guards but the office workers aren't as obvious to me.

Can you give me directions to the Toy Store and the CG Bar?

You must be proud of your game,  I know I am proud of this game because of an awesome developer like you who provides a free public version, I love devs who does paid content and then have a free version for people to play.

Keep up the good work!

I mean- I can't access the Patreon Version yet, hence why I am waiting for the Free Update to drop.

Niiiiiice, I can't wait to see the new update, Especially since I am waiting for it to drop before I play the game again, After all, with the Hospital glitch ruining the Framerates, It'd be impossible for me to continue the story as is.

Got it, I love this game so keep it up!

Do you think you could implement punishments for the CGs? Spanking, time outs and the like?
I was just curious.

Niiiiiice! I love this, I do got a question tho, If you'll bite..

Yeah, I know where it is, do you have the push ability?


(4 edits)

I am trying to do as you instructed me, But.... I can't get to the levers because I can't push the crates around

Edit: Nevermind, I figured it out, The Clothing Store guy won't accept the scissors or the needle.

Another Edit: I did as you suggested in the Email, Now where can I find Naoto? I can't find the lass.

Okay nevermind I figured it out now to find the clubroom

Hey, RedSparrow! I shot you an Email on some questions, I had and I also wanna post on here, Where can I find the clothing store owner's scissors? And other stuff I asked in the Email, Thanks!