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A member registered Jul 14, 2020

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(1 edit)

is there a way to make the boomers trigger each other, or even nearby trap chests, without making them do full damage to everything else? Like giving them a bonus to damage against boomers/chests or making boomers/chests more vulnerable to the damage? Maybe give them a 2nd damage type that only affects boomers/chests?

I don't know if there are multiple damage types in the game already or not, but it seems like it'd be a good thing to incorporate. Physical, Fire, Explosive, Holy, Unholy, etc... and then you could make each unit more or less vulnerable to the different types to really differentiate the units in what they're strong or weak against.

Am I wrong or are the slimes the only unit that drops crystals to spawn more monsters? It seems there's no way to get a return of investment in spawning monsters and eventually you just can't spawn enough slimes to pay for enough other monsters to keep the heroes at bay.

It also feels like the explosive chests are almost a trap for the player not the heroes at this point. Some heroes avoid them, some of those that don't unlock them and actually get upgrades from them, when they explode they kill your own units nearby, and worse they have a timer on them and they'll explode on their own after awhile. They may deal a great amount of damage, but the cons heavily outway the pros from what i can see.

The exploding zombies doing damage to your own units instead of just knocking them back is a major problem too.

Any chance you could stop the camera from locking to a chest when you click on it? It feels really bad when you click on a chest and suddenly you can't move the camera till the chest finishes opening, especially when it forces the camera to a position where you can't spawn any monsters.

about a year ago I watched Backpack Hero gain traction on and use that to run a kickstarter and turn their tiny project into a serious development project. I see a similar opportunity for this game and I hope you've considered the possibility yourselves :)

full release?! I wasn't sure you were going to put more into the game. I'm glad to hear you are :D

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This is kind of a necro, but it's a question that's worth answering in case anyone else comes here looking for it.

EitR doesn't remove weapon categories. So weapons are still Simple, Martial, or Exotic. It just removes Martial and Exotic Weapon Prof as feats and replaces them with proficiency with Groups of weapons instead. Classes that start with Martial Weapon Proficiency are still proficient with all Martial weapons per their category. Other classes don't have the option of becoming proficient with all Martial weapons. Instead having to choose a specific group of weapons to train with, but getting proficiency with all weapons in that group, be they Simple, Martial, or Exotic.

This means that classes that start with Martial Weapon Proficiency still need to spend a feat to gain access to Exotic weapons, but they get more for their feat investment than just 1 weapon. They get all Exotic weapons in that group, and depending on the group (I'm lookin at you Flails and Thrown) they could be gaining A LOT for that choice.

I just realized that in the Special notes for Agile Combatant it states that even without the feat you can apply Dex to your CMB instead of Str when attempting Disarm, Trip, or Sunder maneuvers with a Finesse weapon. But it doesn't call out weapons with the Agile feature.
Is this an oversight or did you really intend for this Special ruling to only apply to Finesse weapons and not One or Two-handed weapons with Agile?

(3 edits)

Thanks for that! I always forget about the Waveblade because it's not listed as part of the monk weapon group over on AoN.

We had discussed Modified Weapon Prof and the Weapon Adept feats from the source too but weren't totally sure how they'd apply. But after further consideration we realized that EitR doesn't actually remove the weapon categories from the game. Weapons can still be Simple, Martial, or Exotic, so a Fighter would still need to spend a feat to gain access to exotic weapons, they'd just gain a whole weapon group instead of only 1 weapon.

So making a modified a Rapier would make it exotic, but still a part of the Light Blades group, so someone with Martial prof wouldn't be able to use it proficiently without taking Weapon Prof with Light Blades, Modified Weapon Prof, or Weapon Adept. Likewise someone with Weapon Prof in Flails wouldn't treat a modified Spiked Chain as something they were proficient with unless they also had the appropriate Modified Weapon Prof or Weapon Adept feat to match it. Tho to keep pace with EitR Modified Weapon Prof would be for a whole group not just a single weapon.

As for our Modified Rapier, the character wanting the mod is a rogue/monk so they have proficiency with the Rapier itself from Rogue, but also with all Monk weapons from Monk. So modifying Versatile Design on the Rapier would change the weapon's category to Exotic, but also add it to the Monk Group so the character wouldn't need more feats to use it. :)

My group is using EitR for the first time in our current game and one of our players wants to use a Weapon Modification as described in Adventurer's Armory 2. Putting a modification on a weapon increases it's category by one degree, from simple to martial, martial to exotic, and moding an exotic weapon requires an extra feat beyond normal exotic weapon prof. Because EitR removes exotic weapon profs we're unsure of how to allow the player to get the benefit he wants on a martial weapon. Specifically he wants to use the Versatile Design modification to add the Monk weapon group to a Rapier, which would normally make the Rapier into an Exotic weapon or require another feat to use.

Do you have any insight or suggestions about how to handle the situation?