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A member registered May 17, 2021 · View creator page →

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This game made my diapers fill, sweat drip into my mole-like eyes, the back of my ears smell like cheese, and my swollen feet turn blue. That's how scary it was... I didn't even make it past the intro sequence. 

FromSoftware was really ahead of their time making this game back in the 90’s. You can really see the roots of Dark Souls, Demon’s Souls, and King’s Field! They should Remake this game for modern consoles, I think it would be game of the year!

Praise the sun! With my awe-inspiring companion summoned beside me, we were bricked up and ready to disassemble Dark Soul's iconic deadly duo! Try tongue but hole. 

This game made my diapers fill, sweat drip into my mole-like eyes, the back of my ears smell like cheese, and my swollen feet turn blue. That's how scary it was... I didn't even make it past the intro sequence. 

This game made me heebie my jeebies! It was so frightening... so real... my eyelid twitches just remembering the traumatizing experience at that religious getaway...

This game made me sleep with the lights on, wear Depends at night, and check my closet before bed. I dare you to even attempt to play this game! You won't last a minute!

This game made my leg hairs slightly stand straight out before they fell onto my yellowed toenails.

This game ripped and teared my BFG (bloated f***ing guts) and made me force a cacademon from my bowels, because it was so terrifying!

This game made me apply to my local dead mall, where I ended up living the true horror of  a mundane, uneventful life, working a job that’s taking me nowhere. Thank you.

This game made the necks on the back of my hair stand up! Despite all the horror and gore, at its core this game displayed what Christmas is all about; spending time with family… now who’s your daddy?

This game was so brutally yet satisfyingly gory, it made my eyes tear, the butterflies in my stomach turn to moths, and my bladder empty into my shorts. 10/10 experience.

Terrifying! Twisted! Relatable! Listen, kids, when your birthday comes around, don’t let Mr. RED FACE visit you. He may be the last face you’ll ever see!

More! I need more! I need to see if the nerdy brother gets what’s coming to him! I hate him already! 

This is what happens to you when you roast marshmallows during the day.

HELP! I inspected the artefact, but when I left the table to get my food, it was gone when I came back! Just when I thought I lost it, it showed up again but in a different room! It seems to be calling me, but I am too scared to even touch the thing now… I just heard it whisper my name…

“Still blowin the old clarinet, eh, Squiddy? Heh heh heh heh!” 
(1 edit)

I was expecting a horror game about getting the clap... this was even more horrifying than contracting an STI (I'm not talking about the Subaru WRX STI, but the other kind of STI, know what I'm sayin'?)After playing, I ordered a clap-clap feature for all the lights in my house

This game was so scary, it made my toenails curl, my teeth yellow and my eyes bled. I’m going to have to go to church after playing this to save my soul.  

Thank god I know the combat art of swinging my arm on top of my opponent’s noggin! Otherwise I would never be able to scape from this terrifying captor!

I survived… but barely. No amount of therapy or medication will make me forget the horror of KSI’s new song. It’s a terror I survived, but will never escape.

Next time I check into that hotel, I’ll make sure my room is on a different floor than ROOM 202  something is very wrong with that room…

I never found the mimic… the mimic found me.

Nightmare Kart? More like Dream Come True Kart! PlayStation really missed out on coming up with this idea in the 90’s, a game like this would have instantly become a classic! Excited to see what LWMedia comes up with next!

Holy freakin, crap! This game reminds me of that time I played a Family Guy game where I was Stewie and I killed his whole family, but this time I’m Bender from Futurama! Freakin, sweet!

I wish I my brain developed enough to be able to play this definitely real game that came out in 1998, but I don’t know if my parents would allow their 2 year old to play such a horrifying game…

Holy freakin’ crap! This game reminds me of that time I was Stewie from that Family Guy show, and I killed my whole family. Hehehehe freakin’ sweet!

You already know that when the menu is scary, the gameplay will be absolutely terrifying… and it was. I’m done with horror games. I finally found the scariest one. 

Do you remember a time when the world was good and fair?

2 years ago, I played the first 5 Nights at Grek's for my YouTube channel. It was horrifying , emotional, funny. But now with this sequel out, it begs the question, "is it better than the original?" Find out for yourself, here ↑

*the game files definitely got corrupted during the download, making the characters and objects blacked out. I thought this was part of the game to protect the dev from any copyright issues. To be honest the blacked out characters made the game more ominous.

Next time I need to go to the bathroom at night, I'm not just bringing a flashlight... I'm bringing a baseball bat, and I'll be swingin'!

In 15th century French folklore, it is said that Jack-in-the-boxes were actually created to capture and hold demons or evil spirits. Many would fashion the boxes with elaborate engravings and amusing artwork to lure the demon’s interest. They would then employ the playful music and surprise opening of the lid to trap the demons. Their essence was then believed to become trapped in the Jack character, which was why they were originally made to look sinister with maniacal grins. The box was then to be hidden away where no one would ever be tempted to open it again, as doing so would cause the demon to be released back into our dimension.

Made it out alive, all I can say is I am no longer working as a demolition expert. I started working at the nearby gas station in my home town. It’s a lot safer and my boss isn’t as shady. I am happy…

I don't care how much money they'd offer me to crawl through such a claustrophobic cave to find evidence of missing people, I wouldn't do it! Whoever this guy is, he's got some guts... and they look tasty to the creatures that dwell in the dark...

Finally! A game that represents my fear of not being alone while in the shower! After playing this, I haven't washed my hair since... people are starting to avoid me and I don't understand why (It's definitely not the smell of my greasy hair)... Can they see the creature that haunts me, waiting for me to close my eyes while shampooing? 

This game was an accurate representation of my typical Friday night; get home, shower, do laundry, make dinner, watch TV,  get home broken into, have my skull bashed in... (Saturday is a recovery day)

Just when I thought the original Graveyard Shift episode couldn't get any better, csgood releases this banger of a game with not just one ending, but six! It had terror, suspense, action, violence, love and a booze cruise ending! Fantastic! Highly recommend if you're not a weenie!

I remember playing this game back in 1999, had very fond memories that brought me back to those days,  and it was a surprise to see this game on this website. Thank you SnugBoat11, for bringing this game back to life! It's almost how I remembered it... only one problem... 

Never would have imagined a Teletubby game being so scary! Hilariously frightening and highly recommend to anybody who's down for some spooks and laughs! 

Damn... this game was amazing... I can't wait til VaatiVidya covers the extensive lore of this series!