rebooting does fix it! it put me back at the spot i had closed at.
Recent community posts
this is such- okay, i probably shouldn't say relaxing, but it sort of is? aside from the demon trying to kill me, its a really nice, relaxing game of resource collecting. I enjoyed playing!
I may have a found a bug though- day 15, i finally got the sword, and after my first attempt to kill the demon, I got sent back to the house, but i couldn't pick up any equipment. Axe, gun, bucket, no go, and when I traveled back to the sword, I couldn't pick it up either. just wanted to let you know! love your game
Hey! I've been playing the game while listening to my podcasts, and in every save I've had, I died in the same way- I would put down a foundation block, but move too quickly and get stuck underneath or in the foundation block. I've found I can get out if I destroy the foundation with the axe, but this is only if I am stuck in it- If I am stuck underneath the foundation, I can't move or destroy the block, and I die either because of the shark or fatigue.