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A member registered Oct 13, 2021

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Ooh, minus 3, that can't be good. Still love the game though!

Thanks so much for your reply! I'm a bit of a tech dumbass, but when I get round to  discovering how to do it, I will send you the savegame file. Thanks again!

But again, keep up your good work!

Wonderfully layered, your work. Thank you! My only quibble so far has been my inability to get past the "hallway highlight jamboree", wherein I speak to all of the people there. I then click on the door (elevator, whatever) -- and get a message saying "close menu", so I do -- and am sent back to the populated hallway. What must I do to move on??

I'm hooked. You've found the sweet spot between fantasy and eros -- it's just SO unfortunate that Patreon has parked their big fat moneybutt on top of your dreams. I want to continue supporting you finacially, but Patreon is making things difficult. I hope you find another more flexible currency. Until then, I wish you well, and want to roll 20 on all your desires!

Such a well played VN. I have to admit, I was attracted to the relationships with the sisters and of course the sub student -- but to me, eventually, tears of laughter and the juice of eros don't jibe, unfortunately. The story became too juvenile. Oh well. Good start!

Vivid character development -- Daisy & mom-in-law have such interesting and subtle paths of desire and choice.  I LOVE them both, and how their contrasting sexualities combine and suffuse the story.

My only sadness (because it could be SO MUCH more erotic!) is how the daughter, Laura, has been characterized. I understand the antipathy towards 'too-young', thereby making her '18'. But 1)- she looks more like 25, making the physical difference btw her and Daisy negligible. 2) - Laura could STILL be '18' and LOOK more like 16, instead of the other way around. 3) - it's very strange to see someone who looks like an adult referring to 'weiners' and pursuing Cheerleading. I hope someone gets braver in your next endeavor, as I don't know how you'd fix this now...