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A member registered Aug 15, 2019 · View creator page →

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I saved the gooomieees!! :3 11/10 would owo again

haha yeah that was the unity physics engine acting up a bit xD

I loved the art soooo much! You guys did really well with the background and the character design was so adorable. I would have loved the UI of the bins to indicate what goes where maybe with a little symbol but other than that it was great! Well done.

Liked the concept though the camera was a bit hard to control. The vibe was nice though! 

I really loved the artstyle and the small animation. Overall it’s super well done! 

I like the concept and the controls. It’s simple but it works well especially with the given theme of the jam. I would love some more UI or VisualFX indicating when stuff is about to burn down and how much water you are carrying (so I wouldn’t have to look to the left and read) but other than that very well done! 

Honestly it was very impressive how much you managed to cram into the game with that short timeframe (especially considering you did it alone). It was quite fun to try and figure out what everything did and stressing a bit about the speed of each day xD 

Thank you so much! ^u^) 

Thanks moth ^^

Sorry to bother you Moth, but I made a page and was wondering if you could add me as a co-creator? I would really like to add the game on my page as I am still very proud of the spritework ^^ 

I actually had so much fun playing this. The items you can buy are also really nice so good job! :D

Really nice art and polish! I wish, I was better at bullet hell games, but I appreciate the dodge mechanic :D 

Loved the concept! The character design and art was really well done! Good job :D

A very well made mass murderer simulation xD
Not sure how to feel about it, but it sure is chaotic!
(and good job on the SFX and animations) 

I really loved the graphics and the music! Also good job on keeping the game simple :D