Say sorry first,I use machine translation,May be difficult to understand and inappropriate choice of words 。In Chinese quite right“生草”
I think food can be added,Food can be obtained by searching desks,This can be used to restore a small amount of life。(中国有一句古话:人是铁饭是钢一顿不吃饿的慌。٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶)
Subsequent monsters can add:Soldiers in full force,After all, soldiers can't guarantee against infection,robber,After all, there will always be robbers in chaos。Add equipment to increase defense And resist the monster's attack(即使再厉害的士兵有可能会被空气中的病毒感染,像极了马奇诺防线⌓‿⌓,强盗嘛不管哪个时代都有根本无法根除(งᵒ̌皿ᵒ̌)ง⁼³₌₃)
Maybe we can add new weapons for instance : baseball bat ,Badminton racket,Bow and arrow。(我能想到只有这个,或许作者早就想到了,看来我太缺乏想象力了,QAQ )
Worldview can be...... ...... ...... Biological variation caused by nuclear waste water or Star-spangled flag of Strange virus (调侃一下福岛和德特里克堡,霓虹排放核废水是真的离谱,明明可以多出钱来做装污水的东西,阿美瑞卡没少做缺德事说不定哪天又搞什么小动作 („ಡωಡ„))or Viruses dropped by alien organisms Only people with strong resistance have no mutation。The protagonist can learn about it through the security zone or through the grapevine。If you have already thought about it, follow your instructions。