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A member registered Apr 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much for appreciating! ;)

I can only thank you for the compliments and, obviously, for the donation!

I'm really happy that you find the game so positive, thanks for letting me know.

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Thank you so much.

I'm glad you appreciate.

This is an option I might consider in the future, thanks.

Pac-Man Championship has already been proposed to me and I've put it on the wish list, but I don't know if I'll ever have the chance to make it happen.

Thank you!

Thank you so much.

Thank you, as usual.

You can find my address in the credits of any of my games.

I'm really happy to receive comments like this, thank you!

Grazie di nuovo. ;)

Grazie mille per i complimenti!

Riguardo ai livelli casuali, a parte la cornice esterna, inizialmente riempio il campo di gioco di singoli blocchi lasciando vuote le righe e le colonne pari (questa disposizione è uguale per tutti i livelli), poi lascio che il programma vada ad unire fra loro i blocchi in modo casuale, a condizione che non vengano creati muri troppo lunghi o di forma diversa da muri dritti, a L oppure a T. Grosso modo questo è il sistema che utilizzo.

MonoGame and C#

Feel free to write to me at my email address if necessary.

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Thank you so much for appreciating the work I put into making this game.

As for "Jr-Pac", as you would call it, I'm afraid I'm unlikely to make any more PC games. The ones I make for C64 are much more popular (judging by the number of downloads and especially donations), so I will focus more on them.

I'm glad you said that, thanks!

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I realize that the system used to configure keyboard and joystick is not entirely practical, but it is the simplest in terms of programming.

Maybe one day I'll program a more complex interface that allows you to configure keyboard and joystick separately, and that allows you to configure only the buttons you need, but I'm not sure it's worth it, and anyway at the moment I have other priorities.

And to be honest, I think that once you decide which keys to use and get used to them, you won't need any configuration anymore.

I'm glad you appreciate my work.

As for the rest, it's not clear to me whether you have problems with the dynamite button or its customization. Can you be more precise?

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No one has ever complained about this before. I guess it's a matter of practice. I also guess it depends on what type of controller you use. I'm afraid a gamepad isn't the most suitable controller. A microswitch joystick or simply the keyboard is certainly preferable.

Thanks for appreciating! :)

I'll put it in the request list but keep in mind that I have other projects in mind and the list already contains several other requests. Unfortunately, there is only one life and I really don't think I can please everyone.

For the helicopter sound effect you have to thank Claus, another fan of the game, who created it for me with a synthesizer!

I sure hope it doesn't take you that long to complete! ;)

Thank you! It's always a pleasure to receive praise like this. Have fun with this version. ;)

Thank you so much for enjoying the game!

I noticed that the Intellivision version is a little different, in fact I based the game as much as possible on the arcade version.

Good, I'm glad you like it.

Glad to have satisfied you!

I did what you asked, or at least I hope so!

I'm really pleased you appreciate the improvement!

Regarding music, unfortunately the musical part of games isn't really my strong point, so be happy with what I've done.

I'm glad you like it! has established the logos for the downloads. However, please note that the logos refer to the operating system the games run on and not to the machine itself. the Linux-ARM64 version of the game is not specific to Raspberry but to the Linux operating system running on a machine with an ARM processor, and this machine might not even be a Raspberry.

I'll take it into consideration.

I just uploaded the linux-arm64 version of the game. Have fun with it! ;)

Do you mean for Linux? 32 or 64 bit ARM?

Let's say that initially I didn't give any importance to the difference in speed between PAL and NTCS, also because I think there are very few C64 games that take it into account. But then I had some requests, in particular for Dig Dug Revival (some people said the NTSC speed for this game was "indispensable") and so I reconsidered the question. In any case, I will not implement NTSC speed for all my games, but only for those that I deem appropriate and for which there are no problems due to the computing capacity of the machine.

Thanks for the video and for appreciating. :)

It's a pleasure!