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A member registered Aug 31, 2024 · View creator page →

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dam good   music  and art man also good game 

good game

dam good music


good     game

(1 edit)

so what about make a game  with out idea build something you know or new then try  some random things until you get the spark of light idea

also the idea is result of capability  you  can so you dream

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ez type what the idea 

then open the game engine

and start new project and begin make a game 

just do it you can i know it not doing what is supposed to do it is broken

just focus on make the code as readable  as can 

like variable in machine code is bucket of space can store data  something  like that 

 and only then  you will  win the  game of building a  game

after that you just dream and build game  in any  game engine even with out one you still  will make it 

just tip for  beginners do not try to understand everything do what  you need is what you need to understand 

hope i help you or any one 

good game

wow real good  game

good game

OK  i forgot about that

simple but good 

to be true it is i made it in way that choose between 1 and 2  then it do the action it is not that clear    because they have 2 action to do one is attack onther is defend but if i add more action to do the randomzion of it will be more clear

cool game

(1 edit)

 yes it is more if mirror action 

(1 edit)

sound   good  lets make theme

what the theme?

golden words for real i was with team i tell them make the simple game we can't make big game and when they didn't listen the didnt make it  thanks good advice Andzej Gieralt

simple but fun

 اصنع لعبه عن سفينه تجمع النفط مختصر لي  في الالعابه بس سفينه على عالم مسطح رملي نفط يرسبن عشواي و عداد لي النفط  عشان الالعاب يموت و التحكم كسيارة

make it with  time    base   like green   click  in 1.2s the yellow   0.6s   just to  get more good out comes here  is  code and     all of it  signals    

extends Control

##make click_of_mouse insted of button you   stoped  so you  don't need  to button use  mouse click you only need three click  one start scend throw at end of animation  shoot cannon   one  holde to exit 

@onready var green: Timer = $green

@onready var yellow: Timer = $yellow

@onready var red: Timer = $red

@onready var boxpfstats: ColorRect = $ColorRect

@onready var exit: Timer = $exit

var greentimer: bool = false

var yellowtimer: bool = false

var redtimer: bool = false

var starthere: bool = false

# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.

func _ready() -> void:

boxpfstats.color = Color.BLACK


func _on_button_button_down() -> void:

if !starthere:


starthere = true

func DO_end_pressing() -> void:


func _on_green_timeout() -> void:


greentimer = true

yellowtimer = false

redtimer  = false

boxpfstats.color = Color.GREEN


func _on_yellow_timeout() -> void:

greentimer = false

yellowtimer = true

redtimer  = false

boxpfstats.color = Color.YELLOW


func _on_red_timeout() -> void:

greentimer = false

yellowtimer = false

redtimer  = true

boxpfstats.color = Color.RED


func _on_exit_timeout() -> void:


func startactioningaame():





if greentimer:


if yellowtimer:


if redtimer:


func changesbutweentime():

if greentimer:



if yellowtimer:



if redtimer:



(1 edit)

hello    mijirock  i open link and can't get the invite to work so here  my discord tiger98un we can make the theme of one button game

good game

you can if it just  you or all of your  team join the jam but if only you join make sure to add names of  team when you upload to  submission page


(1 edit)

your right sorry for not make the game more clear for player to complete it you need to move thro  the red rectangle and not having subtitles was in my maind but  could not make it in time

(1 edit)

your right sorry for not make the game more clear for player to complete it you need to move thro the red rectangle and not having subtitles was in my maind but  could not make it in time

cool for me thanks 

good idea

hahahahahha i was try to make good voice acting  but i keep laughness so hard it was good make something new   haahahaahah


(2 edits)

شكر و التقدير لك على هذا المجهود في صنع الالعابه  شكر 

شكر و التقدير لك على هذا المجهود احسن في صنع الالعابه و هذاي الرسوم شكر 

good  game


thanks and the controller was to make like head go left and right

(9 edits)

well use godot particle system, VFX  , SFX

godot shaders 

and more things make color match

 make the text 2d or 3d and make it move rotate  shake the text to make the eyes of the player look to it try to make it more

 interesting to look and read like what is that text that move it 

say player hit w s a d to move that boring make but good enough 

 make like W to claim  the mine shaft  use   the world of the game to connect the text in   way that make sense 

  to the world of the game like in fullout 3 they make the text color green to the computer on that time it

 good for mine game but i don't expect  line of text on the wall or 

far from player the player will never read thing or go anyware if you don't make it clear 

 but you can use it too so if take the text you can make it more of explored but if  you more  shows  it become strategy game 

 UI or user interface  is part for player to see read and make clear of what they  have to do VS what I can make them do

also you real good with particle system use it more use VFX  Visual Effects and  use SFX sound  Effects it gave the game the juice or more game feel use shaders to make the text melting after the player hit it  or use shader to make more and more things but not all

 it good to split between them time to time and not all in one thing  like use VFX SFX less particle  and more

also you  real real real and i hope you read this make GDD  game design document it help you to save the plan for the game learn it you need it 

one more thing the game is idea  when  you make it type it

 then try to get how to make a code to make it 

an art the looks like it 

 sound that hear it 

an the end it's  you to make it hope good for you | waiting  for your next game thanks for reading 

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hello One_loop

 i played your game is more of tycoon game not more of horror game to be real 

 the theme  you put can be more explored like 

 the old  min shaft and other part like here TNT that will explode run away or  

 something that resemble danger some like the ore can kill you but have to run if you take it or   hide the  in old min shaft

 had big bug the will eat  your eyes or more thing of that the game is for

real great is good the battery loess all power in few minutes and shope for power up the drill 

is just shows red but i can buy if i have the number it need to by and real well done for the 

game and then go and search  for what i can make form the theme or what change in it and 

the tutorial is just text try to make it more blande in the game like of the player see the oxygen 

bar go low try to make like word in there ears like break the wall and then make any button 

the hit do that action or if the hit the correct button  

 but you just need to make the sacred for real hit where the fear and make souls left them after the screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeam

also your real talented you can make it thanks let my reviewing  you game and it real brave to dav to say speak about my game hope for you to win and thanks again if any word you did not understand look for search hope to find it 
