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A member registered Oct 25, 2022 · View creator page →

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Hi there!

It looks like this Jam need a bit of promotion. I will post on Mastodon this weekend. Will you post a reminder at Discord or Reddit?

Personally, I don’t need it. I like my Kindle, but I don’t use it for role-playing, it is too slow. On mobile, most PDF readers are better than Amazon’s app. All in all I’m happy with the PDFs.

I do!

If you want to create your on assets, have a look at It makes creating the cards a breeze. (Not my project.)

(3 edits)

Hi Moro!

I had my first read-through. Great Game!

I found some typos and wrote down two or three thoughts I had while reading. I put them below. Please know, that they are no critique whatsoever, just some thoughts I had and that I’d like to share.

  • “She queen also names a keeper for each one of them” p. 62
  • Page 60 “, basing they hierarchy on the city and its ruler, the queen.”
  • Page 65 “Astake”.
  • Page 33 says gain +1 focus on Weak hit, Face Danger move does not say so on p. 44.
  • What is the stat for the healing action role? p. 34
  • Character creation is at the beginning, but Lineages change the rules for the creation. That came a bit surprising.
  • Link inciting incident on page 29.

Thanks again for the fun I’m having with this!

P.S. Oh, And I’d love to have a table of content in the moves reference. That would speed things a bit, especially in the beginning.

P.P.S. “, you gain experience ponts per”, p. 39.

P.P.P.S. The Form a Bond move on p. 52 says, earn XP according to rank, but then lists ticks and boxes as if it were a progress track. Shouldn’t XP be earned in whole points?

Ah, I see. Thanks for the explanation!

I downloaded Elegy and skimmed through. Great stuff! Looking forward to a read-through on the weekend.

Hi Moro!

The link to Elegy Light in the announcement is dead. Is it not available any more?

Thanks for this, I’ll give it a try!

Love the pocketfold. If I had a wish, I’d like to have a Din A4 version for all the people across the sea who don’t have letter sized paper.

(1 edit)

Lovely game with beautiful art. The dungeons are all the same with only slightly different art work. It’s a bit like “find the 6 differences in these two drawings”.

Reminds me of Dungeon Keeper.

Want to know which hero comes through the front door: Heroes

(2 edits)

Jonathan Harker

  • Penmanship: 2
  • Speech: 3
  • Heart: 1 (+1)

The letter

My dearest, dearest Mina,

(- 0 0)
the fear that I have had for the last strange days in this dark castle is a certainty now. I am stuck here and there is no hope of escape for the foreseeable future. The Count, that cunning man, that usurper of god-fearing men, has made it all but clear that I will be his guest as long as he deems fit.

(1 1 1)
I have been here for many days now, and who I thought to be a man of wealth and learning, an intelligent and worldly, if strange, man, has proven to be an utterly dark and evil person. His accursed demonic plan must not come to fruit. Oh Mina, how can I stop him, how can I save us from falling into his trap, into his dark cellar of despair that he wants to be our future home?

(- 1 0)
My beloved, soft, fragile love, forgive me that I put the weight of my failure on your shoulders. I always thought that this world should bring you nothing but joy and sunshine, but now I can only deliver darkness and despair. I hoped, oh I hoped so much, that he was the only one, a freak of nature, something that, as terrible as it is, will end as all natural things must end. Alas, it is not so. I have seen the Brides of Dracula, the Succubi he created by not by drinking their blood, although I am sure that he did that as well, but by feeding them his black blood that must run oh so cold in his shrivelled veins. Nothing more can I write of them, as I fear that everything I can tell will make you think me mad and deranged and mad and mad.

(- 0 1)
But you have to believe me for the love of god. He has not only hinted that he plans to take root in blessed England. No, he all but told me that his new family, his black brood, will thrive in our lovely country. It can not be, it can not be. We, you must stop him and I do not know how.

(- 1 1)
Mina! He is a vampire. A vampire that must be brought to heel, that must be destroyed like the sun destroys the night. Find help! Find help. He will come. Find help!

I don’t know if we will ever see each other again, but I know, and you know hat I will always love you, my Mina, yours ever and ever.


7 Points