Title says it all, this is my first attempt at something like this and i'm wondering what a recommended program / resolution to draw sprites and stuff
A member registered Mar 17, 2021
Recent community posts
Looks like Zug is looking for someone to take over and migrate things https://twitter.com/aarsilv/status/1407740023429021701 / https://twitter.com/aarsilv/status/1377022497271390211 Thoughts? figured you might be the one to ask on some thing like this
I'm a fan of the App you put so much work into and its made drawing on DoD so much more fun and i'd like to so thanks for creating it! which brings me to a question that you might have some insight on, maybe? When DoD Initially went down the main page said there were "too many people drawing" but now the page doesn't load anymore, has DoD finally bit the dust? or is it just having some troubles do you think?