Windows keyed out and killed it in task manager when the game locked progress behind picking one of nine asinine character portraits. A deep failure as a role-playing exercise, utterly unsympathetic from a neutral assessment, and entirely unnecessary to the gameplay. Everything was acceptable to that point. Cut that out as unneeded and unsalvageable.
Recent community posts
Yeah, in general trying to philosophise about something you're actively encouraging players to do as a part of the challenge and fun of the game, and in general *punishing* players for engaging with your produce, never works out. Unless of course, you make it quite tongue in cheek - like
~It's a shame the hero could never look back~
~~Now he's trapped forevermore~~
~~~(psst that's the end guys! thanks for playing)~~~
Which makes it clear.
I take my hat off to this, not only for the mechanics but also for the simple intrigue behind each level design. From Level 5 onwards each stage has some little "ahaaaa!" or "gatcha!" moment, even if it's as simple as planning out a moderately balanced route for two cars just to see them crash into each other straight away. I did encounter a glitch on level 9, where a clockwise pillar froze and would not move or be deleted. All in all a cracking game, and the mellow and calming soundtrack perfectly balances its, well, balancing gameplay.
Really nice and smooth mechanics, slick presentation and great game feel. At times frustrating, some ironing out in the clicking mechanics. The projectile shooting enemies should not look spiky, I wasted a while trying to trick it into blowng itself up because I thought touching it would be bad. There's one level which, unlike the others that I cleared intuitively in one or two goes, I spent ages make little progress until I won it by accident (the crab monsters suicided). Kinks to be ironed out in a great little game.