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A member registered Jan 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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God, I really wanted the option to "shrug him off", when he placed his hand on my MC's shoulder near the end. Like, don't touch me, you patronizing hypocrite! Gosh, my daddy issues really showed themselves during this chapter XD

PREACH! Sure, I had an affair with my sister's then-fiance; but why was Harry allowed to stay in court, but my MC wasn't???

Right? I was so incensed on MC's behalf!

God, I wanted to sock the father sooooo bad! Such a hypocrite; it really boils my blood. Though, I understand MC has to finally grow up and take responsibility; I'm kinda sad we (potentially) have to stop our Hoeing ways T^T, and become a mature adult (boooo).

Nothing happens to the dog.....right?

Just getting a black screen (T~T) I wanna play it so bad

oof, good thing I'm a constant saver, otherwise I would've had to start again (;^.^)

But, man; I just finished the chapter, and I nearly burst into tears when I saw the 'End of Chapter' text (No, Xelara, I don't need a cloth to cry into).

Do I have to uninstall then re-install the game/interactive novel, in order to go through chapter six

Yay ! Can't wait to read it \(^w^)/

(1 edit)

I kept clicking on the blank chapter six page, hoping that it wasn't over, but it was! This was amazing! I was a bit hesitant to starting a text-based game, but the customization pulled me in (along with a tiny voice in my head that said, "You read fanfiction; you can-at the very least-read this!" And I'm so glad I did!). 

I can't wait for the next chapter, keep up the AMAZING work! 

Oh, no I beat him just fine. I was talking  about the Crystal Devils--If I remeber--the one(s) that wanders around when Shawn first destroys the glowing crystals--the cave with the skeleton and chest? The problem I was having, that everytime I tried to escape them, a message would pop up and then the came would crash/close. 

Thank you for the reply, nonetheless. :D

Yes, I've been enjoying it and am very eager to continue playing it. It's very unique, and brings a sense of nostalgia whenever I play it.

Hello, just want to inform you that when I try to battle the Rock Devils--I believe that's what they're called, the creatures in the human crystal cave?--my game'll either crash if I try to escape, or I won't be able to chose fight options after it uses 'Barrier'. 

Just a heads up.