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LS Salvation Squad

A member registered Jun 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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Do you have Windows or Mac?

We only have the English versions included in this early version, and likely will make that our primary priority. Other languages for Lovestruck were NOT archived at the same pace as our English archive.

Dev Log updates will contain updated route listings on what is officially complete.

Please keep in mind this game is unfinished and still in development. The only routes we have confirmed to be done are Korin and Rion from Edge Case: Love's Pursuit. Mackenzie's first season is also available, primarily from our original test to ensure the engine worked.

At the time being, we will not be promising an Android app version. Perhaps we will consider such when the game is completed, but for the time being our focus is ensuring the game works on Windows and Mac.

Unzip the .zip file and run the .exe file.

The issue is aware, and we'll fix the problem. Everything is in early development still, so some errors occur when we update new code and assets, but don't change everything in the original code. We will continue to fix these errors as we can.