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A member registered Mar 20, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you, I am really glad you like the game. Your words mean the world to me. :)

This game is tough as nails! Awesome Rastan vibes (being the first level 90% similar from that game). The music is stellar, a true testament to the 80's and 90's video games, just like it was made in that era.

That is actually a neat idea! I do like to mash up different genres, why not with these? :D

The game looks really good! I added it to my wishlist.

It's always good to get some extra loot. :) And carbot zerglings are adorable!

Thank you for your kind words. We hope to live up to your standards with the final game. :)


make sure you downloaded the CHEAT version (the zip contains a _CHEATS_.txt file).

during playing any level press and hold ALT, and you'll get a text on screen what to press, but hold ALT while doing so. it works, just tested it.

If you using Microsoft edge, you are from a Windows based OS. The game still doesn’t work from browser, but you should be able to download the game itself, unzip it (wherever you prefer to have your games), and run it.

Looking into it, a chromebook is running on ChromeOS am I right? That's a linux based operating system, and is not compatible with windows programs. Though there is a way to emulate it with a program called Wine (emulators usually put extra work on your hardware, meaning the emulated program may run slower than it would on an original hardwrae / OS). But if you don't know how to do that, or know somebody who do know, I wouldn't recommend on trying to install it just like that. Look into it, and make an educated decision :). Still the game is controlled with keyboard or gamepad so no touch controls.

Should you decide not to install, and still want to experience the game, take a look into Stevie T's playthrough:

Even, as he skipped an entire level except the last boss and didn't go or just didn't show the bonus level, this playthrough is really fun to watch. :)
I will make a playthrough in the future, just will have to find the time for it.


if you are from a windows PC (though your post suggests you are from some mobile device...), you can download the game clicking on one of the Download buttons, depending if you want to use cheats or not (if so, read the .txt included in that version).

Unfortunatelly I couldn't crack the HTML5 version yet, if I'll have the time I'll try again with the help of a friend of mine.

(1 edit)

How dare you make a game that looks amazing like this? :D Metal Slug is one of my favorite games, and this game looks and feel just like that. Awesome work guys!
ps.: your deviant art link takes me to your twitter page

Oh my. I think that's "normal" for any zip that contains an exe file. Still, just to be sure, run a virus check on it and if you still don't trust it then of course do not run it.
Downside is, I wasn't able to make HTML5 export work with my projects after wrestling with it for a week or two. I may continue to try to make it work still, but I will need a massive amount of time for that (I have to start from the bottom up to see where it goes awry). Should I succeed, ther will be a browser version for this project too.

I am so happy that you liked it. :)

This become a really nice game, it would do really good even in a game jam, so I salute you guys. :)

I only looked at the video/gameplay so far. Not much to say, as the game seems to be working good. There could be some stuff to consider trying out, how it works, or see if these improve on the feel, or gameplay.

- As this is a space shooter, I feel the ship should move all the time. Of course, that would change the gameplay somewhat, possibly making aiming harder (adding it as a hard mode maybe?)

- The small light cones on the enemy ships are there to indicate if they are closing up to the player's ship? It seems to be faulty or not that well visible all the time. When I made something similar, I put small red dots on the screen border while enemy ships were outside the camera.

- I see that the enemy ships destroyed by one pair of shots (or two single hit). I noticed how the enemies can congregate, and destroying one makes a nice explosion. I feel these could be a chain reaction, but again this would change the gameplay a lot. So, I would try to scale down the single shot hit explosion, and add a charged attack that needs a couple of seconds to charge and would consume a big portion of the ammo. That could make the big boom, and making it a devastating attack. Alternatively adding a secondary fire with a slowly charging special that could destroy a lot of enemies with one shot.

- As for the aesthetics: the grid on the map could be a faded neon green or purple (more faded near the screen border), making it a sort of tactical grid. This would work well with the red dots idea too. I would change the windows mouse cursor to a reticle.

- Maybe it's implemented already, but later the enemies could start shooting at the player's ship, making it a bigger challenge later in the game.

- Adding some powerups (for a short time only), like shield, no ammo consumption, maybe some repair, EMP etc could make the gameplay more interesting, something to look forward to drop.

That's all I could think of right now. As I mentioned, these are just ideas, the game already looks and seems good as it is. :)

Good job!

Thank you for playing! :)

Sure, I made it accessable. :)
Read the included TXT for information how to activate cheats.

No, I send Steve a cheat version so he could go through to check the whole thing no problem. The version I have here to download is the no-cheat version. Let me know if you, or anybody needs the cheat version, I'll make it accessable. I actually thought people could breeze through the game, as it's not that hard. Of course, I know some tactics, and maybe that can help. :) I saw that Steve didn't include the bonus level, maybe he didn't find it, and that can be an immense help in the first playthrough.
There is a second and third playthrough with extra enemies, shields and bosses have extra HP or some new or stronger attack forms. But don't worry, if you play it through once you saw everything. Higher playthroughs only yield different colored name in the high score list. :)

(2 edits)

There is a Download button that you have to click on, then unpack the zip file somewhere and run the .exe file in the unpacked folder. If you already downloaded, and you're not a Windows user, unfortunately the program won't run. PC only as of yet.

HAH! Amazing! is this a recreation by you, or you have the midis of the original?
I will put it away for now, collecting feedbacks and such. I am not promising that I will make an update, at least not in the foreseeable future, but if I do, I will include this extended version. Thanks! :)

Guitar hero like gameplay is not a bad idea, probably could be fit with a side scroller somehow. :)

Dig druid, haha I get it! :D Amazing job, I like this game a lot

Végig tudtam vinni! :) Egyetlen dolog ami zavart, hogy én a nyilakkal mozogtam, és aztán kiderült, a W-vel lehet csak ugrani, a felfele nyíllal nem. Amúgy jópofa lett, tetszik a játék, gratulálok!

Unfortunately I couldn't run this game, it misses some c++ runtime stuff. :( Looking at the screenshots this looks really good tho.

This game looks and feels really good! Even the gameplay is simple, with the upgrades there is a progression system that can engage the player for a good while. I feel it is very easy to fall/smash to the ground next to robots, like collisions are smaller than the sprites (I may be wrong on this). Still a good game and it was fun to play. :) Good job!

Congrats on your first game! :) It turned out to be quite good. Overall it has a cute presentation with the gfx and music, it has a charm of its own. It's short but sweet. Regarding the shortness: maybe a timer would've been a good idea to add, so people can beat their own time in the second round. :)

I love the noir art style, and it clearly can be seen that this was made by an artist and with care. The only thing this game needs is the protagonist walk around the room as in a point and click game. I haven't played it through yet (I have no too much time to play), but this one was one of my favorites from this jam. Good job!
Are you guys planning to make it something bigger? Maybe this could evolve  into a full indie project. :)

You put a lot of work into this! :O Good job! I also think this is a bit hard now. Maybe I misunderstood how the sound works. I see circles when shooting or when lift works, or when a grenade explodes. But the max radius isn't covering the actual end of the sound waves I guess. I also saw that zombies reacted to me and not a louder source (lift) and for some reason I thought they will congregate next to the lift.
The game is very atmospheric and I like it, but I would have make the darkness more darker (not pitch black but still). When the zombies attacked me I jumped as the feedback for they injuring the character is certainly there. :)
Will you expand on this idea, or was it made only for the jam?

I like the gfx (pixelart is always amazing), and the music. The gameplay is interesting, but I feel, to manage this many buttons (move, jump and axing into the ice) all at once is a bit harsh. I managed to climb up for a while but then just kept falling down. :D Still, a really good entry, good job.

This game has a very interesting mechanic. The graphics are simple but pleasing to the eye, and I licked to play with it until I bumped into the one ring level, and I wasn't able to the life of mine to get enough height out of the character. I would've played more If I could pass that level. Maybe a level selection screen could work for this type of game. So you don't have to complete every level. Well, anyways, I like this one, good job! :)

This entry looks and feels like a prototype or demo for a future indie game. Music is good, gfx is excellent, nearly no bugs (I also encountered the music bug). I don't play auto battlers so I wasn't sure what should I do, or how I can influence the outcome of the battle, but after a couple of tries I got the basics and won a couple of battles. It may be this genre's quirk, but I feel more explanation is needed to better understand the mechanics. There were some issues I faced when playing: the overlapping dmg/hp over the characters' heads. That first I didn't know which side is mine. What speed is (attack, walk, or both)? Am I able to control which class of warriors I will send to battle next? On top of my head, these. :)
I think you could turn this into a bigger project with adding a good tutorial and developing the idea further. Great work, one of my favorites from the jam.

I love that you also involve family members in your project. :) As I am a pixel art enthusiast I would mention that try to avoid vector fonts on pixel art and non crisp pixels, but hey, it's a game jam entry. For me the reaction of the spider feels delayed and made it hard to avoid robots for the first couple of tries. You managed to use many of the jam themes, that's a plus point. :)

Thanks for playing! Yes, an ingame map would be useful. :)

Good idea, I'm playing through the games and writing down stuff locally. After I get through every game I will write them under the game pages. :) Only I progress slowly.
Mine was this:

Feedback is appreciated, and I got some from other sources. I also got one screenshot from a colleague, as proof that he played through the whole game. :)

(1 edit)

I feel my game needs a map system (a metroidvania style simple one). For now I uploaded the map in the screenshots. I hope that helps. :) And thanks for playing. :)


I mean, there will be some period (how long, 1 or 2 weeks?) until the games are ranked (?) and winners will be announced. Can we share the game today with others, or shall we wait until the ranking period is over? :)

I also participate, I may over scooped the game I am making, and I also already lost some time as I started days after the jam started and I can work on it in the evenings mostly. Hopefully still will make it until submission time. :) Good luck to everyone!