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A member registered Nov 30, 2021

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I'm down!

(2 edits)

did you really??  That's so funny! You didn't have to! 

I'm excited to Purchase it! 

By the way, by any chance, do you have a discord?

Ooooh, nice, I'm really hyped, and ESPECIALLY hyped for the sammich edition for it too! >:]

Nah, in all seriousness, this looks insanely promising, the art style looks great!

Hey, this is the person that suggested the fatrifice Sammich edition, and I have to say, I REALLY love the idea here! It looks really neat! Just a question though, will there be burps kind of like the ones from your other games that you've uploaded on Itch? 

awwwe, you are the best!!! Where is it sent to?

Here's the image in question:

I just have one question, maybe you can make me a quick version that replaces the chicken sprites with Sandwiches...? Like just an image like this, making sprites is hard...The reason I request this is mainly just cuz I love sammiches :)

You don't have to if you don't want to 

sweet, I would also like to mention a bit of a bug, for whatever reason, everytime I play, and grt the endings, there's no way for me to return to the home screen, as well as the dialogue text being cut off and shifted to the side of my screen!

(Using android version btw)

Heeey, I love the game, but was wondering if maybe there can be more food options...Like sandwiches, or cake, fries, burgers...


Also, didn't notice the recent demo from dec 19, thought it was only the basic movement test, my bad XP

ah, I see.....My apologies, heh, But yes, I do in fact believe in you 100%

Ah, I see, I apologize, just wanted to see what was happening, also, loved the game!! Very short, and sweet so far! Ik it's in early access so I'd say that was my 5$ well spent! ^^

Heyo! Just got the game, and was wondering if development is still continuing, and stuff!

(1 edit)

Strange thing is happening, when I got my goal of 100 in the first stage, it didn't continue onward, nor did it let me give up when I exceeded the win condition, is there a reason for this happening? I'm using windows btw, which from what I've seen, been tested to work!

Alright, Thanks for the quick response!

(3 edits)

Heyo! So, I know the latest post in the QnA section was on October 24th, but I was just curious if the game was still going through a developmental hiatus, if so, I don't not wish to disturb you! ^^;

Sweet! I'm excited to see what the future holds! Also, BellyBelting has worked with Godot before, maybe they can give you some pointers!

Heyo! Just curious, is development for the godot version still happening?