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A member registered Oct 22, 2015

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So here's how it went. I was talking with my friend about and I thought to myself "y'know, what would really make GOG a good service is if they brought in LEGO: Rock Raiders", and to find some examples for my friend about the game I went ahead and looked it up...and saw this "Manic Miners" thing, thinking to myself at the moment "woah, someone made a game inspired by Rock Raiders? Cool, what's it look li--"

And then I opened the link and saw this, and my jaw dropped. You are truly a phenomenon. I've been playing this all day. I wasn't ever too good at the original game as a kid, and I want to finally revisit it now and actually finish this game. I've been so sucked into this, my nostalgia is off the charts. I'm still soaking in the tutorials right now (which are really well made, though a few glitches with the message log but no big deal). 

I cannot believe that this remake exists, it's both amazingly faithful but immensely transformative. The game is beautiful, like how my memory envisions it, though I know it's not anything like how it looked before. I've wanted to replay this game for years now, and I must thank you for your contribution to bringing my childhood back into my hands. The customization shop is also awesome, so many minifig parts I recognize that I had when I was younger, truly this game is just to cater to us fans of one of the greatest eras of LEGO that ever existed. I'm just thoroughly in love, thank you so so much for this.

This game ended up being far more intense of a thought experiment than I expected. Everything from semiotics and the rights of an explorer crossed my mind while playing, and led to some harrowingly dark concepts being explored in my mind. Here’s my video, I personally think this was one of the most mentally engaging games I’ve played in a bit. 

Played this recently after looking at sci-fi games through itch! I really enjoyed this game and will definitely continue till I finish. Here's a recorded playthrough of my first hour in the game! 

Thank you sodaraptor for the game! It's been an incredible journey through odd spaces full of weird stuff to capture on photo. I recently started recording my playthrough, and it's been a thought provoking experience so far.

Hey...just want you to know that this game was one of the most important games I played all year, so...don't be sorry. Sekiro was real fun and Pokemon was neat and all but...geez...this was really something else. It's in my "Top Games of the Year" list, okay? 

I started watching the playthrough AlphaBetaGamer did on YT for the first 30 minutes, paused, got out of my bed and was like "dang, this aint how i'm experiencing this!!" Honestly, really glad I did that. I had to...feel this game. Some youtube vid where they don't leave the text up long enough for me to read it without pausing wasn't gonna cut it. I needed to check every last detail and thing on my own. Needed to get lost in a maze, needed to get sad about school, needed to find things to talk to the therapist about, needed to check every tree to make sure it felt alive, needed to get frustratingly lost in the artist's house...

This game has so so so so so so much going for it and I'm made me kinda sad? Really sad at times, because I saw so much of myself in Jon ( Sorry but it's a little opaque to me whether or not Jon == You, sorry if I'm talking about you like you're not a real person if I am 9_6) that it made me want to get up and stop for a bit though I didn't. Hell, I've had a vegetarian phase myself that lasted long enough to be important but so short in the grand scheme of things I wondered why I even bothered...

Not to get too much into my own things though, sorry. This game, I get it. I get what it's saying. I know what's happening, happened. You did an amazing job on this. I consider your first game a success ^_^ but primarily because: You Did It, You Made The Game (And It Was Also Very Poignant And Touched Me So Deeply I Think I Can Begin To Feel Again).

It takes a lot to make something like this, though. And most of all I commend you on making what you thought was important enough to make. Your effort is real, it's here, and it's making people feel the same things I did. Thanks for the feelings, and the comfort knowing there will be a friend somewhere for me, even if it's in my dreams.

(2 edits)

Hello everyone, Unity devs in training here! While a 2D Turn Based RPG (like a Final Fantasy or Pokemon game) might not be the most IDEAL place to start as a first project, we're aware of what we are getting ourselves into (me and my significant other). 

Both of us have been scouring the internet for possible first places to start learning how to make 2D Turn Based RPG systems, but so far all the ones we've stumbled upon are either out of date or entirely unrelated to what we're looking for (you'd be surprised how many end up being more like a Zelda game instead of say, an FF4). Unity forums have been kinda useless when searching and reaching out, too, as we keep seeing people linking to asset store extensions or more Zelda-like tutorials or redirecting to RPGMaker (or they just...never got an answer from anyone in the end). If we have to end up making this from scratch,'ll be tough but that could just be how it is; but if anyone has a suggestion of where to start on stuff like menus and turn order, we would super appreciate that. 

We were previously using this tutorial; however, halfway through we began to notice a lot of problems with how they were doing things in unity, and it seemed like some stuff was more roundabout than it needed to be (and not to mention we kept landing into problems that weren't covered in the tutorial, which was a little frustrating). We found this tutorial, but we don't necessarily want to sign up for any online class websites if we can help it (though if that is what we need to do, that's fine too). 

TL;DR, We cant find great sources on how to program 2D Turn Based RPG combat systems in Unity, and while we'd prefer free sources (as most people probably do) if we have to start paying for something or just make it ourselves, then that's understandable and acceptable. Thanks for reading, and let us know if you have a suggestion! ^_^