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Lucas Bödeker

A member registered Jun 10, 2018 · View creator page →

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Hey there, it looks like you had fun dying. Thank you for playing the game!

I love the atmosphere and the world this game creates with so little. I have to say that the controls are a little unresponsive at times, but the rest makes up for it. Strong choices in combining pixel art with the water and rain effect, but it works so well! Keep going Torbo!

Thanks a lot! That's a very good point. Sadly right now the lamp is only a visual change and does not provide any functionality. Sorry!

thanks a lot, always a pleasure!

Thank you, much appreciated!

Funny little game!
I love the theme :)

I'm sorry to hear that. I will take a close look next time I work on the project. Thank you for reporting!

That should not happen, normally you should get teleported into the normal game. Simply restart the tutorial.  Were going to fix it, thank you for reporting :)